
[a]scension blog

18th June 2019

27 = 9 Hermit
Beastly reset yesternight. Combine Namlu'u to pure body @ 5D in forest home, w/group oversoul for 144 Tomril souls, of my soul + astral body @ 12D, from source = Fae Sun.
At 8D in Dome Home my soul embodied as twins from the Betty Page Twins + RedHead gene + Lisa Feather's hair, and same soul+astral body @12D sourced from FaeSun, 13D-Infinity, w/ planet @ 0-5D, for "grounding".
Enuf for this morning. Seems balanced for now. Seeking DVD-RAM for local website building.

Minimizing what i carry on bike; sent water filter + jug to storage, to make room for laptop, i've requested Shannon bring from her storage. Will choose DVD-RAM drive for building local website, versus 2nd battery of low capacity / end-of-life.

15:55 Tyson Shimomoto AKA Ranger 3 refused to hear the Mandatory Notice of Liability from the Foreign Sovereigns Immunity Act, even when informed that knowing / receiving it was part of his job as a park ranger, and even after i informed him that i am a sovereign living soul, celeste, not a corporate fiction person. He had started by informing me i must clear the visitor's shelter for upcoming kickball events at the ballpark.
Upon Kaua'ian soil, celeste:crystalfaery

i don't know what else to do but try to collect on my Berth Estate Trust to live on. "The powers that were" have done their best to hide these accounts from those of us elligible... U.S. births 1929-1999 in any of the 49 states at least, (Hawai'i too?), originally starting 1929 @ $600K and over time leading to a valuation of at least $1,000,000 / birth, offered as collateral to bankers to secure loans to U.S. INC "government". After 69 years of compounded interest, i should be doing very well... when they pay!!! As the head of the global bankruptcy, failure to pay these = Felony Fraud for T.rump and his accountants/liars (lawyers).

How long before people wake up to U.S. Inc. bankruptcies (all 3) and cognize as of 2018-10-09 all Inc US, States + Counties lost delegation of authority as MindControl (Govern-Mental) and the only player left standing on the battlefield is the UNincorpseorated The United States of America?

Faery blessings -- celeste

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