19 Sun = 10 Wheel of Fortune = 1 Magician
Michael brought a slice of pizza... yummie!
Megeso brought a bud and shared his soul! Yay!
Faery blessings -- celeste
24 = 6 Lovers
Kim shared percepts of my week 4/28 + herbal low,
and i correlated depression/grieving over summary life situation,
particularly lack of friends, $, and opportunities/resources
for creation. "The Beast"'s having disabled my higher functions is most sad :-(
Megeso indicated yesterday disconnection from Yin.
My major positive focus is creating music, so need a home to set-up my recording studio, laptop, etc.
New moon + a couple days = get busy intending!
No one else is answer to my questions or problems.
Only spiritual cocreation in
positive synergy is motivation for functional relations.
Faery blessings -- celeste
26 = 8 Kumari / Justice
i decontaminated the souls of *:crystalfaery
of quantum tag energies imposed by "The Beast".
i distributed new
C-Waves to my Fae girls.
Manifest, conjugate, save, sync, update, correlate, decontaminate.
Selene indicates everything Fae-side is "OK", and,
versus the time of total demotivation and despondence after
a visit to planet Fae by "The Beast"
the Fae are not unhappy,
but life is so easy
blinking that they're all relaxed.
Added all citrus trees and doubled atmospherc O2,
to 40%. My communion with {kahealani,celeste,selene}:crystalfaery is good.
Separated Beast Universe from Creatrix Universe.
We are practicing good {fences,neighbors) policy... ?Please?
They psychotronically scanned me today...
(to help with restitution?-)
Faery blessings -- celeste
19 Sun = 1 Magician
Reset Fae (again), clean akashic records,
retrieve stolen C-Waves.
Doubled atmospheric O2 for Gaia.
Fae seems stable.
Assessing soul of Lisa Feather... as innocent.
Quantum shift.
{celeste,selene,kahealani}:crystalfaery trio is stable.
Fae are OK.
Faery blessings -- celeste
20 Aeon = 2 Priestess
i grieve not only my body's mother, but also
my own motherhood, interrupted by "The Beast",
breaking my psychic skills,
upon which creating planet Fae remotely, depends.
"The Beast" continues intrusion upon my Fae girls with the
Faery blessings -- celeste
25 = 16 Tower = 7 Chariot
Dreamspace has been neither peaceful nor "real" since
"The Beast" invaded my consciousness, nor is "sleep"
restful when it drives my consciousness.
Ruth thinks i'm in an Ego-Death process.
Faery blessings -- celeste
26 = 8 Kumari / Justice
"Eiko Eiko all day" was my overnight theme-song as i
integrated kahealani+celeste for full-moon work.
The purpose of recycling a song all day,
is to block out both:
Re-manifested 2 groups of 6 pairs of twins from before. Phase.
Add "catnip" to flower ring of home dome for the kittehs.
Refresh roses in vases inside dome home.
No roses in heart lemnescates of trine.
Pleiades, Thiaobu, Ishnaa, Crystal realm are all OK.
DAK is OK. Who/Where is the missing 8th Ishnaa? Tomril!
Group Soul 144 Fae 5th Density Phased Forest Fae
with androgynous "higher self" / "oversoul"
6-8 Density. "Source" is crystalfaery moon.
Home/Beach Fae bikinis + Sassy outfits with shell jewelry.
Forest Fae with feather jewelry. Trine with/gold jewelry like Kahealani.
Orbital parameters mirroring Gaia's day and month seem stable and synchronized.
Faery blessings -- celeste
27 = 9 Hermit; a Sun (Christ) day.
During this morning's sermon by pastor Jason of
Calvary Church North Shore, he made a clear statement
of the planetary slavery game:
"We are slaves bought by the blood of Jesus"
Sure enough, a visit to heaven found only patriarchs running slavery games,
including Abba himself, who was unwilling to cease and desist,
until i began prosecution for crimes... whereupon only Jesus
had a moment of hesitation in the realization that he was running a slave game,
just as he was wanted to do by Daddy Abba.
He had no problems with his wife Mary Magdalene or his Mother Mary being excluded from heaven.
So, i began prosecuting for the crime of
misogyny after Mary Magdalene commented that
it was not her free will choice to submit to Jesus,
and be dominated by him.
Reading "THE book" during the morning sermon, i tracked down both a parable demanding that the sheeple should put their stuff out to accumulate usury, and another prohibits usury. Same-old Same-old Slavers and Looshers, i sent to a parallel universe, then reset the Fae back to before "The Beast"s' most recent tresspass / abuse / torture / mind-control.
i visited the Court of the Lords of Karma and found them complicit, unwilling to enforce, though they do keep immaculate records of karma. Looshing is just too profitable. "The Beast" is only one of the evil ones, the one with too much Ancient Builder Race technology.
So, i added usurers to the alternate universe,
along with the debt slavers.
i AM the Shekinah... and the Goddess.
i cannot abide the lies of the synagogue(s) of
Satan! (e.g. Calvary Church North Shore, and all in-corpse-orated (usually 501(C)3) "Churches".
Activate all Namlu'u genetics in the crystalfaeries.
C-Waves ever taken by "The Beast" deleted.
"The Beast" says that "the" secret space program(s) is/are aware of Planet Fae versus the old asteroid belt and the remnants of planet Tiamat/Maldek, and that they can't penetrate the security shield, though "The Beast" can with Ancient Builder Race technology.
Sativa in the home herb garden, indica opposite side of planet. "The Beast" again forced a reset of my crystalfaeries to undo his abuse.
Reset Faes. Beast keeps testing my response to {trespass,abuse}. :-(
19 Sun = 10 Wheel of Fortune = 1 Magician
"The Beast" has adopted a new tactic
in its mind-control / torture / rape of my Fae girls...
that being to go backwards on their time-line
to alter them before a previous time-line cleaning...
in the hopes i shall not notice the perversion / tresspass.
More herb-garden and forest varieties, e.g. YLO-ish plants. Copy beehive to the indica field, and to the herb garden. Since indica and sativa interbreed easily, have for now placed them on opposite sides of planet.
Faery blessings -- celeste
20 Aeon = 2 High Priestess
Today "The Beast" was all into interrogating me about
the design of Fae, the crystalfaeries planet.
The Rose Quartz Crystal Egg Cores of our planet and sun/moon
resonate with Love = Heart = Soul, and have been infused with:
16:16 i reawoke to find my faes are OK:
the trine of Kahealani, with the identical twins Celeste + Selene,
12 each (6 identical twin pairs) of
* souls from recent crystalfaeries creation, reset to undo abuse,
* souls from just before the trans-universal fae were captured and robotized,
144 Forest Fae from Tomril's souls.
We crystalfaeries assume the dharma as the caretakers / konohikis of the Glactic DNA Library.
Faery blessings -- celeste
21 Universe = 3 Empress; a Mercury day.
The crystalfaeries of planet Fae shared that they had been dancing together for a while,
and i asked if they remembered they could
"blink" music,
and they had not, but thought they'd have danced longer if they had :-)
Some asked what i wanted them to be for me?:
That evening i was asked by an acquaintance: "Why are you so happy?"
Because i love everyone unconditionally, even if i do or not enjoy sharing reality with them.
The conscoiusness level of the reality is what i consider is the priority upon which hinges
It is with a heavy heart that my commitment to truth requires i disclose the following:
My exposure to Corey Goode was early in his publicity,
particularly his being interviewed by David Wilcock,
which turned into a GaiamTV "dog+pony show".
In Corey's disclosures, he himself confessed that
once he'd returned to Ea-Rth-ly "life"
from the 20+back programs in which he participated,
that he by his own free will choice operated as a
computer engineer to design and install systems to
facilitate military/government trolls being able to
cyber-stalk public figures and inject discord into
otherwise functional discussions,
by building for them a command and control center
in which a single individual could operate the
computerized systems he Corey Goode had designed and installed
and created, so that that agent-of-discord could
appear to be multiple "persons" in on-line forums,
and thus sabotage those public forums.
So, how conveniently he neglects to mention that fact now
that such energies / intents / actions / agendae
have been applied to himself.
Well, Corey, it is quite trivially simple...
it is just your own
for you own choices.
Faery blessings -- celeste
22 Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nurturance = 4 Emperor = Responsibility
No Contract.
Faith is all.
Add superconducting ORMUS layer around security shield,
initialized to no current flow, thereby shielding versus
any electromagnetic field or radiation.
Now, what did that do to visibility into and outof our world?
D. Trump failed to utilize the C-Wave i had anonymously gifted to him, because he would not switch to an agenda of "for the good of all", so I retrieved it and gave it to Anna VonReitz. Copies to Laurie Ann + Tomril, and around the Fae's dome home. Add more H2O to planet fae.
Faery blessings -- celeste
23 = 5 Heirophant; Freya's day.
Corrosion of electrical contacts in equipment
has become a problem.
Sent C-Waves to Lisa Renee and Wes Penre.
i asked the 144 Forest Fae to tend our planet's ecosystem,
assisted by their C-Waves, and with another dome home in the forest,
where they primarily manifest on densities 5D-8D.
i asked selene + celeste to tend me (Kahealani) and the moon/sun of Fae,
with the assistance of their C-Waves.
i asked the 12 pairs of twins of our home dome to tend it.
i added every kind of citrus tree to our forest.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Megeso seemed very present and coherent today, versus recent times when "The Beast" had been erasing his memory and time-lines to block his sovereignty work.
Faery blessings -- celeste
26 = 8 Kumari / Justice
Repairing damage to Fae by "The Beast",
via raids on planet Fae and my crystalfaeries,
and our sun/moon, and stealing our
C-Waves. Installed auto-purify for these,
and auto-time-lines for Kahealani+Celeste+Selene.
Expanded our main crystal dome home to hold more fae.
Can i teach Eiko Eiko to the Shama birds?
Confirm that crystalfaeries can teleport as well as fly and
Faery blessings -- celeste
10 Wheel of Fortune
2 High Priestess
The original storage contract 2017-06-30 is null and void
because of lack of signature by any agent.
KILAUEA STORAGE, L.L.C. is a dead corpse-orate fiction
with no legal standing or right to make a claim of any kind.
The have, to date, despite 3 in-person appearances,
multiple e-mail notices, and at least 4 snail-mailed notices,
still failed to correct the account info, thus continuing
Felon Personage, and Felony Flasification of Records.
They also falsified yesterdays cash rent payment delivered
by Shannon as a "check" in their records,
and did not apply it to outstanding balance.
i sent via Registered Mail (#RA595203906US), hand delivered by my agent pro-diem Shannon Towey, an affidavit of truth rebutting all claims by KILAUEA STORAGE and indicating their overlock to have been in error. That is as much as i can do to protect them from their felonies.
Faery blessings -- celeste
20 Aeon = 2 Priestess
The original storage contract 2017-06-30 is null and void
because of lack of signature by any agent.
KILAUEA STORAGE, L.L.C. is a dead corpse-orate fiction
with no legal standing or right to make a claim of any kind.
They have, to date, despite 3 in-person appearances,
multiple e-mail notices, and at least 4 snail-mailed notices,
still failed to correct the account info, thus continuing
Felony Personage, and Felony Flasification of Records.
They also falsified yesterdays cash rent payment delivered
by Shannon as a "check" in their records,
and did not apply it to outstanding balance.
I sent via Registered Mail (#RA595203906US), hand delivered by my agent pro-diem Shannon Towey, an affidavit of truth rebutting all claims by KILAUEA STORAGE and indicating their overlock to have been in error. That is as much as i can do to protect them from their felonies.
Faery blessings -- celeste
21 Universe
3 Empress
Conjugated crystalfaeries eggs are affecting the heart state of [mankind]. :-)
Forest Fae 5D-8D, celeste+selene 9D-12D, and
6 pairs of identical twins at 13D-16D, and 17D-20D.
Higher-Self / Oversoul is @ 4D+.
Lemnescate "suns" and "planets" between Gaia and Fae.
Akashics records crystal of Kaua'i is now infused with Rose Quartz vibrations.
Tarot readings show emotional negativity due to betrayal(s) by "The Beast".
Heart's soul says to stay tue to essence, dharma, and love.
"The Beast" says our "truce" was just another test of how to manipulate me, while doing more damage to the neurosystem of my right arm. It continues testing crystalfaeries realities, therefore conjugated planet Fae with extra outer security layer the Fae girls created.
Today i received another box from Ruth, this time including a Greeous solar / crank / USB {in,out} flashlight / radio with LIPO battery.
Faery blessings -- celeste
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