![[Rose Quartz]](/imgs/faeries/portrait/rosequartz.jpg)
7 Chariot = Adventurer, Will, Hope, Self Sacrifice
Io Pater's Day
Per dolphins and whales reduced magfield to 80%,
de-lemnescated planets and moons,
brought more ocean life forms.
Latest version of planet and fae summarizes:
- Twins: Celeste+Selene have Kahealani style jewelry emphasizing our trio.
- Home Girls: 5 more pairs of twins with generic jewelry as they have not chosen names.
- Forest Girls:long slit skirts and feather jewelry.
- Beach+Pool Girls: bikinis and shell jewelry.
Our Sun/Moon is/contains my astral+emotional body copy, soul copy, all akashics, and is "Higher Self" to each of the above group oversouls. Each identical twin pair has their own shared soul, and heart chakras lemnescated. Planet Fae also has at core seeding with akashics of Gaia's DNA library plus any variance or additions by our Fae.
i strengthened lemnescates between Fae+Ra, Fae+sun/moon. Our Home Egg contains spare clothing+jewelry for any fae to match any others' outfits, firewood+lighters for our stove, water-cooled refrigeration for food collected outside. Still, it seems easiest to just blink into manifestation whatever we desire in the moment.
i gave
C-Waves to each of celeste+selene of fae.
In response to Fae hunger, i transmitted to each Fae the message:
"i want {a slice of bread, an avocado, an apple, an orange},
The Shama birds wanted more bugs, so i imported more from Gaia, and transmited:
"There's food in the forest."
i transmitted to my twins:
"Pick up a
C-Wave and ask of it: {what,where} is food?"
My Fae girls have begun "blinking" foods beyond the ones with which i triggered them,
so hunger is solved even if they are not yet sure how to manage harvesting from the ecosystem,
(which i suspect will equally be done by "blinking" :-)
i added missing Banana Trees, and Red+Pink Hibiscus as high vibration.
i also had to purify my Fae and our Planet Fae from further tresspass by "The Beast"
We approach the Full Moon transition...
banishing slavers, looshers, and evil dominators like "The Beast",
and reaffirm yin-yang balance at
Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple with Kimberly McCartney.
Fulfilling the yin side New Moon is a matching yang side New Year (spring).
Faery blessings -- celeste