
[a]scension blog

16th April 2019

23 = 5 Heirophant; Mars Day
In "The Beast"'s reality, only despair and hopelessness are!

i copied light frequency translation layer of Fae's egg-shell to surround the moon/sun, shrunk to fit and added noble gasses like He, Ne, Xe to translate energy to visible white light, upped output by 10%, added CO2 and H2O to atmosphere to increase land H2O in hydrological cycle. Balance?

Sync with Gaia for Day and Month cycles seems good.
Combined sun/moon function plus eggshell diffuser at 50% translucence seems appropriate for now.
i wish i could fly there to see with my own 2 eyes my Fae!

Celeste + Selene each w/ Gold Bracelette + Ring + Hoop Earings similar to Kahealani's, and Sassy's outfits for all.

As usual, "The Beast" had to prove its' inferiority by expressing its will all over my reality all day. That's 2 whole days of sabotaging Megeso visiting me, and wasted evolution time-line resetting to undo torture of Fae.

Faery blessings -- celeste

Created by Chronicle v4.6