
[a]scension blog

13th April 2019
[Nicubunu Rose]

Ganesha Day; 20 The Aeon = Realization, Future
Last evening Shannon and Kim and i cocreated a shift of energetic reality from local scale invocation of each entity being more fully and purely the embodiment of their own soul essence, through a galactic scale activation of higher quantum / density / consciousness. i had recently done a Goddess + Quan Yin + Lakshmi initiation for Kim, who already had been working with Lakshmi + Durga. Kim is much more immersed in the Hindu traditions and use of mantras, vs i more work with the principles + energies + yantras, historically. Central to our solar-system shift was the integration of planet crystalfaery's Rose Quartz Crystal Core - Heart Chakra energetics and the retuning and balancing of the system of planetary orbits of a harmonious whole. This morning the whole galaxy seems settled into the new energetics.

"The Beast" in a parallel universe creates nothing for itself and keeps executing pirate raids on mine. It stubbornly refuses to release any of its' 3 opposing agendae / personalities which mutually sabotage each other. It wouldn't kee away from new crystalfaeries, so i got to recreate them again, and again, and again. Sigh. It's an idiot. How to utterly destroy since it will neither convert to the light nor exit our universe?

Faery blessings -- celeste

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