You may need to read enough of
Wes Penre's papers to comprehend both the true history,
and the multiple lies we have been brainwashed into by our
reptilian false "gods".
That may lead to the awareness that
"Shiva" is representative of
the Marduk/Satan/Lucifer patriarchy.
That may lead to the awareness that Shiva is both the idol of CERN's work
to open a portal to even deeper darkness for
Gaia, and
is the patriarch of the Hindu Patriarchy which was imposed upon
the goddess garden island
Kaua'i specifically
to keep repressed the goddess.
This satanic repression / male dominance was programmed by,
the minions of mammon, bondsmen of the beast, lackies of Lucifer,
and servants of Satan into a
700 lb. Quartz Crystal implanted into the throat chakra heiau of
the series of 7 chakra related heiaus (sacred stone structures)
which run up the ridge adjacent to the Wailua river,
with the peak of Mt. Waialeale being the crown chakra.
As an ancient Lemurian participating in the Pleiadian / Plejaran
seeding of the consciousness grid of Gaia, i've run out of patience with
any and all interference with my sacred goddess isle, therefore,
as of the New Moon of
2018-02-16 i deprogrammed the crystal,
leaving in it only the female entity whose body it is,
now liberated from her enslavement to Shiva/Satan/Lucifer programming energies.
I was told (hear-say) that for several days following the erasure of the programming,
that there were no monks attending their usual Shiva Phallus worship duties there.
The evening of
2018-02-26 i finally received the
karmic blow-back,
as the Luciferian Hindus succeeded in throwing enough anti-life energy at me
to give me dry heaves for about an hour as i transmuted the energy.
The crystal remained clean of programming :-)
In 2018 November we agreed with the feminine entity who was dwelling in the crystal
when it was abducted from Arkansas, that in
8D+ she would become the
akashic records keeper...
which by Thanksgiving time she had begun to describe as very much fun,
since by our construct of our social contract,
in support of all having access to the fruits of the trees of life and knowledge,
we all share akashic records with our collective library in the crystal,
which she described as a profound blessing to have so much wisdom
just come to her.