
[a]scension blog

20th January 2018

There are two techniques to remember in developing empathy.

  1. Listening and attempting to understand the other person's point of view rather than busily preparing your own rebuttal;
  2. Communicating this understanding to the speaker.

Whenever differences occur, whether between spouses. business partners, or nations, they are resolved in one of three ways:

  1. attempted domination by one party (result: hostility, war);
  2. mutual or unilateral withdrawal (result: divorce, isolation);
  3. mutual compromise (result: something for everybody).

For individuals seeking a more satisfying relationship with each other, mutual exchange and compromise clearly offer the greatest promise. Here are some rules for renegotiating and compromising moderately abrasive differences before they become severe.

  1. If you are both busy going your separate ways and have many other time commitments, set aside a time for a formal meeting specifically for the compromise-exchange ducussion. If one partner keeps postponing the meeting, it may be a way of silently protesting or avoiding confrontation. Discuss this issue.
  2. Each participant must state very specifically, in positive terms. exactly what he or she needs, desires, and expects. Be sure to avoid vague generalities that could later be misinterpreted.
  3. Begin by saying what you want. not what you don't, won't or can't tolerate. Take equal responsibility for the condition of the relationship and avoid using the exchange ritual as a forum for condemning the behavior of the other. Reinforce positive behavior through encouragement, and stick to a no-fault rule that does not pass the buck by putting the blame on one partner only. There are two sides to every story, and this session seeks to consider and define those differences.
  4. Do not attempt to manipulate the feelings of the other. who probably can't help how he or she feels about things. However, behavior that is annoying or counterproductive can be negotiated if it does not compromise a person's integrity. Compromise within the situation rather than bartering emotions. Emotional blackmail usually boomerangs anyway.
  5. Remain cool and patient! No one is likely to give up a cherished position without a fight.

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