
[a]scension blog

6th October 2016

As i sit with the energies of this new moon and season, i am aware that in my intended time-line hopping, i must re-focus upon my intended reality, and cease and desist paying attention to anything other than the top priority characteristics of the reality I'm intending to live with New-Gaia. Upon contemplating that i have been distracted from that focus, i am aware that it is simply an old habit to release, a habit of mothering others, a habit of empathy with others, a habit of healing others, a habit of advising others, a habit appropriate to living in a parallel-reality of victims of duality. It is time to devlop the habit of no habit. It is time to organize my life around structureless flow of the moment. It is time to not be in time, but instead in the now. It is now my own reality of my preference, which is inner focussed upon my own essence vibrations. All is heart, heart is all. :-) *smiles*
Faery blessings -- celeste

This afternoon i was given a revelation about a simple set of changes to make to transform Kaua'i into New-Kaua'i with a minimum of hassles for all, yet a maximum of benefits and improvements for all. This was about replacing the "government" and "law" system, i.e. driving the monster from the deep back out into the ocean beyond the 200 mile radius of the sovereign space of the independent and sovereign nation of the 'aina of Kaua'i, for admiralty statutory law has no place upon the land. The principle was quite simple, we decapitate the existing corpseoration of the county of Kaua'i, pushing all existing board members into instant retirement, forgiving them of their corruption and gross negligence and incompetence, and replace the U.S style corpseorate elections as follows.

Within each ahupua'a, all residents are converted to peaceful people upon the land. Within each ahupua'a, the people of that ahupua'a elect a representative of their ahupua'a. Together, those representatives become the new board of the county of Kaua'i. Together they vote on changes affecting the entire county, however, each konohiki of an ahupua'a has veto power to choose not to accept such change within their ahupua'a, as each ahupua'a is sovereign unto itself.

No corpseorations remain on the island, all are converted to companies, therefore there is no more "limited liability", all are companies where the board, officers, employees, and agents are all jointly and severally liable together. No company may have non present officers or board members. Existing foreign officers and board members may either resign or to remain in position they must move to Kaua'i and declare their allegiance to Kaua'i as their nationality.

The vision and information i was given was much more comprehensive, but this gives you the flavor of the nature of changes we are going to implement.
Faery blessings -- celeste

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