May 21 11:16HST Full Moon (Wesak)
Today being full moon, we "cast down" our intended reality
from the higher realms to precipitate into manifestation in the collective reality,
therefore it is a time to be carefully focussed upon
the highest of intent for the greatest blessings for all.
Every thought and feeling creates an off-spring,
therefore attend that which is of highest
love and joy.
Gaia precipitate today!
This is a special full moon in that it is phased in the annual cycle as Vesak,
marking the high-water mark of spiritual blessing in the world.
There is an unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation
which serves to vitalize the aspiration of all [mankind].
The intuition of all who seek to serve the good,
the beautiful and the true,
(regardless of their faith or spiritual background),
is stimulated by this spiritual blessing.
At Wesak we can visualize the aspiration of all people of goodwill being fused into
a concentrated intent by all Enlightened Beings on the inner side of life.
This is a time for dedication,
a time to hold ourselves steadily in the light,
and above all, a time to focus on the fulfillment of all beings.