If there is any consistent message of truth applicable to the times and energies of embodiment now, it is that of introversion into one's own deepest core, communion with one's own soul, that life is to be purely the expression outward from core essence, unconditionally one's own self love energies radiate outward. As naked souls, we pass through the ascension portal, from lower to higher realms, as only our core essence is of truth, is eternal, is who we truly are. Be that, here now, fully, unabashedly. As our consciousness ascends, we shed all illusions, and are naked in our truth. Yes, indeed, we may wear any joyous costume as we celebrate the true freedom to express our creativity of expression, but deep within, we simply are who we truly are, and letting that shine out, letting that be truly seen, is our gift of love. Dance your soul's self expression, in the most beautiful way you know, for life is the ephemeral play of transient (e-)motion, energy in motion. Joy, celebration, play, creativity, enthusiasm, wonder, miraculous openness, and a generous sprinkling of magick via faery dust, illuminate our path through what otherwise might be merely a mundane life. Do you know and feel that you, the unique being you truly are, are the magick which this day needs, to be divine? You are not here to be or do for others, but others are blessed by your being truly you!
There is a dualistic paradigm extant amongst [mankind], a
judgment of categorization that we or others are either
"service to self" or "service to others",
a dualistic paradigm itself,
based in an illusion of separation.
In truth of higher comprehension,
we are one,
and that which is of error,
of limited comprehension,
is simply that of separation.
In our ascended knowing of spiritual truth,
there is only "we are one"
and "our essence is
and our service is not dualistic
in noticing the energy flow of giving or receiving,
but rather is that of appropriateness,
of upliftment of the whole-o-gram of life,
and ultimately the only choice worthy of our attention,
is: "how may i most raise my own vibration?",
for who i am is what i radiate / give,
and what i receive is always a delayed mirror of my own beingness,
therefore that which i serve is life itself,
and how i serve that is by my own being
in my highest possible state of joy,
and that is
what i shall attract and receive back,
for all is "mirroring",
or we may rephrase reality as simply "resonance".
Therefore, sing the song of your soul,
that the universe may mirror your
self love.
Introvert into
meditation, and
focus upon review and release,
i.e. spend some time letting go of
who you are not!