![[Faeries with Feline]](/imgs/animations/105.gif)
As i continue to release all natal energy imprints of duality in my ascension process, perhaps the most challenging is the time-lock into the body, which is what is referenced by all of natal astrology. i have worked most with western astrology models, am now working with Chinese astrology models, and may for thoroughness also examine Vedic astrological models. Looking at my Chinese Natal pattern of Metal Tiger, (as interpreted by Molly Hall), is something triggered last night before retiring, and I'm now completing this morning.
1860: Charles de Gaulle, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Fritz Lang, Helen Hayes, Man Ray, Rose Kennedy, Stan Laurel, Vaclav Nijinski
1950: [ celeste:crystalfaery ], Christina Onassis, David Cassidy, Fanny Ardant, Gregory Harrison, Jay Leno, Mel Gibson, Peter Frampton, Phil Collins, Princess Anne, William Hurt
The Metal Tiger is principled,
conservative and energetic,
yet she maintains her Tiger charm and jet propulsion.
She's a powerhouse of energy and a doer of grand deeds.
[✅ A good quality.]
But she is somehow more serious than most Tigers.
She is not one to leave projects unfinished.
She's a bulldozer with the engine of a tank and the scope of at least sixteen aircraft carriers.
[✅ A good quality, however, I've learned to release unfinished projects when appropriateness moves on.]
The Metal Tiger has a reputation for making the right decisions at the right time
and will hang about waiting for the precise moment to pounce.
This behavior can sometimes seem like procrastination,
but her hesitation is a form of strategy.
She [lays] in wait,
raising an eyelid from time to time to check out the scene.
Then she gets up,
yawns, stretches her limbs, tenses her muscles,
and pow [nces]!
[✅ A good quality, to flow in divine timing.]
On the other hand,
if the Metal Tiger has to wait for someone to show up
or for something to happen,
she goes berserk.
[✅ Patience has been accomplished by living in the now with no expectations.]
She wants what she wants when she wants it,
and has difficulty understanding why others might not want to adhere to her schedule.
She hates to obey, yet insists on obedience from others.
[✅ She has come to appreciate the free-will of all beings, and the flow of divine timing.]
This Tiger also has a somber penchant.
From a young age she may be fascinated by weapons and intrigued with death and death symbols.
She faces a lifelong struggle to squelch this tendency.
The Metal Tiger needs to surround herself with up people who keep her mind on the positive aspects of life.
[✅ Transcended with compassion that each of us is right where we belong creating our own lessons in the realm of duality,
and we're all just visiting this holodeck.]
Otherwise, a bent for self-destruction,
blind heroism, and a taste for danger,
can lead her into serious-even fatal-accidents.
[✅ Transcended this lesson in 1975.]
The Metal-born Tiger child should be raised in harmonious surroundings,
taught to love peace and cherish her fellows.
Wise adult choices should lead to harmony and a close-knit family life.
Tensions within the family or a rocky marriage could upset her mental stability.
Divorce would be preferable to a stressful marriage.
[✅ Independence, sovereignty, and self-love have transcended co-dependence and entanglement.]
On the surface,
the Metal Tiger appears optimistic,
buoyant and full of [mankind].
And, on a grand scale, she is.
Yet she is not always compassionate in one-to-one situations.
You cannot get her to sit down and spill her thoughts or hash out feelings.
Other people's needs and the ramifications of complex emotional situations seem to escape this Tiger's notice.
She can be callous and heartless in love and in family relations.
Yet if her cold-heartedness is remarked on or criticized,
she simply laughs it off, pretending it does not exist.
There is no cure for the Metal Tiger's emotional shortcomings.
My advice is work around it.
Don't take her sharp comments
and absence of
too seriously,
and the Metal Tiger will never ask for your commiseration;
she doesn't see the use of it.
[Detachment from others choice to engage in dualities is essential to dwelling in
This Tiger is a creature of legendary magnetism - not classically beautiful or even sexy, but more like a charismatic
Pied Piper who knows instinctively
how to convince her audience and recruit the minds of others
in her quest for superiority. [...]
This is a tough leader type who stops at nothing to reach her ends.
She knows precisely where to aim for the jugular.
[✅ She has mastered
ahimsa and
respect of others realities.
What shall we cocreate in nonduality today?]
The Metal Tiger wants to make the world a better place.
She will not take advice or listen to any condemnation of her often unreasonable means to her ends.
For the Metal Tiger,
any subterfuge or machination is fair game when it comes to winning the war.
And for her the war is always going on,
right versus wrong, good versus evil, them versus her.
She is right and they are wrong.
[✅ The scope of my concept of appropriateness or rightness is only for myself,
others are welcome to their preferred realities, but not to force them upon me.]
i am content that i have completed the lessons of this initial imprint and can proceed to forgive and release it and move on.