This morning we bring a message from the
"We have found a great river of sorrow flowing into our oceans,
particularly from the area of land [mankind] call 'the middle east'.
This is the denied emotions of those who have made themselves numb
in order to continue choosing to be and do that which creates
pain, suffering, grief, sorrow, despair, and despondency.
Clearly this is the product of conflict in the (un-)consciousness of [mankind] at war.
Water remembers and therefore carries the emotions and other energies it is exposed to.
We ask that during this lunar cycle in particular,
that [mankind] come out of denial and truly feel,
down into the murky depths of their own subconscious,
their connection with the sacred feminine energies,
particularly those which embrace the creation and nurturance of life,
and regardless the sex of their bodies,
tune into, honor, and live by those impulses of love for all life.
While the planetary oceans collect all that is released 'downstream',
some of the toxins [mankind] dump into the oceans are
more damaging and more difficult to transmute than others,
therefore we ask your conscious participation in
cleaning up our oceans by dumping fewer toxins into them daily.
Rather than dumping sorrow over suffering,
make new choices which are of love and unity,
feel gratitude for the blessings of each day,
and learn to
love each other."