While we are aware of the intense waves of energetic activation, i have stabilized in the nondual with comfort, grace, and ease, (finally! :-), and i am glad to share with those who also dwell in this New-Gaia reality. Meanwhile, others are either working, (sometimes struggling), to catch-up with the quantum shifts, while yet others are still in resistance, unwilling to change, still anchored into duality. The densities continue to separate further vibrationally, (frequency), therefore the worlds continue to become less compatible, causing many problems for those who are not willing to stay in their own vibration, whom for whatever reason merge energies with those from the other time-lines. Many who remain anchored in 4D- reality are struggling with fear as the 3D world continues to disintegrate underneath them, leaving them feeling lost or terrified. For these, the challenging lesson is to let go of fear and embrace love, to come out of terror into trust, to forgive and release the past, to cease seeking in the future, and just be in the flow of the now moment. These are who shall catch the 2nd or 3rd wave of ascension. We radiate faery blessings of love to all willing to receive.