
[a]scension blog

23rd July 2015

Percolating out of the fields of probability, synchronistic triggering has (again) brought awareness of Ancient Knowledge. After hours of review, (even watching at about 1.5 times speed), the bottom line remains: "I Am Consciousness", and "All is a whologram", and it remains my own choice, (if i am in free-will rather than mind-controlled), upon what i focus, and what meaning i choose to assign to, the object of my focus, which is only an aspect of the infinite fractally-recursive whologram, of the great creator goddess' dream. All that appears to be not me is still only a mirroring of me, who is focussing with attention, and selecting with intention, how deep to go down which rabbithole. Because all is mirroring, there is nothing outside ones self to have any agenda with. Because the entire whologram is me, is inside me, and merely reflected outside me, i am merely dreaming withinside creator goddess' dream. Yadda, yadda, yadda... and so? The bottom line is simply that "all that is... just is", all energies balanced and at rest, (with the 3-9-6-9- quantum foam random noise dancing around zero-point), until by free will choice you unbalance from zero-point, and initiate a polarity of either the doubling or halving circuit (1-2-4-8-7-5- or 1-5-7-8-4-2-) to produce either a field of yin-magnetic or yang-electric polarity, thereby descending from transcendenent non-duality into duality. Some might think that's what it's all about... "We are here to manifest heaven upon New-Gaia". Gaia is merely the holo-deck we're playing in. Who we "are", and "what we do", can be anything from simple and easy to convoluted and dramatic, but really, is not the bottom line "Why?"
i may be a silly faery, so my "whys" may vary from yours:

So, is anyone interested in cocreating in positive synergy New-Gaia, particularly in Kilauea?

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