![[Stairway to Heaven]](/imgs/landscape/zdgjstfjsrt.jpg)
i have been commanded to be fully responsible for Kaua'i sovereign space (200 mile radius around Kaua'i) and for nothing else on the planet, other than the network of 8D ascension portals being copied (open source) from the one i made for Kaua'i and all getting networked together, and now even out of the Milky Way galaxy to other starsystems from which so many starseeds have come here to incarnate and participate in goddess awakening.
This is known as The Garden Island, and we crystal faeries have restored the Lemurian template of Consciousness from before the fall, so we are committed to the ascension of New-Kaua'i.
Because ascended New-Gaia will be one of no secrets, where everyone is conscious of everyone else's consciousness, and have access to the akashic records, we can release all illusions of privacy or secrecy, and just get on with sharing love openly.
While there is so very much changing with ascending reality, ascended reality, portals, and templates remain quite stable, yet the energetic activations arriving through our ascension portals are indeed triggering great shifts for those in tune with them, while so many (2/3 of) beings around us remain (not so) peacefully oblivious in their old duality. Perhaps what I'm noticing most today is that some are still very caught in the duality of us versus them, or good versus bad, and that the challenge is to be in love, which is not the same as merging reality with incompatible beings or choices. Some realities are just mutually exclusive, and therefore discernment of appropriate energy boundaries remains important, at least for us gate-keepers and portal-keepers and way-showers, who live mostly in the unity consciousness but work with those reaching to ascend.
Today i was able to embrace my last remnant of mistrust, left over from the light-worker's journey of Djedi Warrior, ever vigilant for the deception, illusion, subtle influence, of dark energies, agendae, or entities, necessary to confront and be liberated from, in the mission of averting the negative outcome time-lines, the Armageddon destruction of Gaia and [mankind], in order to anchor the positive time-lines of ascension to Gaia. With my new level of trust and certainty, i was finally able to fully accept that my misssion is complete, and with that, to release myself from my vow of commitment to the embodiment, time-lines, realities, of rescuing Gaia, and in so doing, to finally liberate myself from having to be in the reality to anchor its manifestation for the collective reality, and from having to be here for any particular other entities, having completed the anchoring of the ishnaa / Crystal-Faeries, and with that, completing my caretaking of my family from tomril. With that final release of my old time-line, I beleive i am finally free to jump to my new time-line reality.