
[a]scension blog

9th February 2015

Synchronicities brought me double triggering today regarding "the secret space program", "the secret time-travel technology" and resulting mess of time-lines, "the secret weather modification technology", and "the secret blah blah blah...", you get the theme here. None of these are secret to me, and I've tracked them for decades. So, to me the interesting thing was the synchronicity of triggering to pay attention, and the resulting focus on "so what changed with all these 'secret' programs?"
Obviously, ascension is rather throwing a "monkey wrench" into the secrecy, and being involved in advanced and higher density ascension energy work, i interact with all of these agendae, in fact, have been very specifically "messed with" consequently.
Some "new-agey" people get to go to fairy-land tra-la-la and their entire reality is all nicely transcendent, whereas i volunteered to come from 8D and to be here to deal with all of this, and to facilitate people from duality to transcendence. My mission keeps calling me to deal with people and "stuff" of duality.
Yes, it would be very nice to go to Faery reality and stay solidly there!
It is so time for me to move to Kilauea and focus on playing my flute, instead of dealing with all the duality of lower densities.
Which reminds me that when the Andromedan Princess was visiting, the one and only card i pulled from her Tarot-ish deck was "The Pied Piper" :-)
I'll get all the time-lines i caretake sorted out overnight in dreamspace.

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