Living without expectations of the outcome of intent, despite persistent intent for the manifestation of one's highest excitement and passion, yet receiving and making one's happiest choices about "that which is" in the now, leaves one living the mystery of the unfolding of the divine plan.
This morning began with one of those "random" miracles one simply cannot overlook. Since it was gifted to me this past summer, I've been wearing a necklace which carried both a crystal and a faery, which the Andromedan Princess had carried for 3 years between it finding her, and her realizing it was, of course, on its way to the crystal faery of Kaua'i. On a number of occasions this arrangement has managed in some way to "undo itself" while i slept. This time, the faery slid from the middle of the chain to instead be held in the clasp at the end of the chain, securely attached to the chain, though the chain was completely open, undone, and had released the crystal, which fell to the floor as i arose. i painted the otherwise plain metal faery pendant with 3 colors of glitter nailpolish, and let her take over the chain all by herself. The crystal i began clearing in preparation to gift it on to a new caretaker. This evening synchronistically became Kapa'a's monthly "art-walk", which i stumbled upon seeking an evening meal, and that led me to Katja at Mineral Amorphia where i found a nice rose-quartz bracelette of 17 spheres, 17 being the number of the Dakini Oracle card "Island of Jewels", signifying the Inner Light of spiritual attainment through an exalted path of occultism, the "Star" of the traditional Tarot. The island of jewels is the Adamantine Body of Light, not bound to the world but above it, a pure transmitter and receiver of celestial influences, which fits perfectly with the name "celeste".