We are 1. Synchronistic convergences bless many, just being placed in each other's presence.
A subject of healing in today's experience is the duality between hope and fear, temporal polarities of non-acceptance in the present. When we are fully present in the now, fully accepting of the now, then neither hope nor fear arise, for there is no motivation to escape the present feelings. When the present feeling state is uncomfortable, we may escape either into the past based fear or we may escape into the future based hope, that reality will change. Reality is always a mirror of our internal state, so to accomplish real change of our experienced external "reality", we must change our internal vibrational state, and we cannot change our state until we accept our state. Surrender into feeling and experiencing the present emotion, no matter how uncomfortable or unwanted it is, for only fully experiencing it allows its release. The only sustainable emotional state is "neutral". This is the condition of alignment with one's own higher self. Once the gross body's neutrality is realized, we may easily become aware of our more subtle spiritual bliss. That bliss of our higher essence, is not conditional upon any external experience or being. This is the only antidote i know to the roller-coaster ride of conditional love in "relationships", so if you find yourself distressed by a relationship, go to the mirror and love yourself unconditionally. You are the one individual you always have to sleep with. May as well have a good time with yourself. Others are optional icing on your cake.
Faery blessings -- celeste