
[a]scension blog

18th May 2014

i noticed last night that i was feeling conflict, between the need to nurture myself and be true to my soul, versus my mission to facilitate others. This happened in a context of too many days of too many chores, useful ones in support of my future appropriateness, but much too much work with too little play... both in the sense of joyful celebration, and literally that of playing my flute.
As we are astrologically triggered to clear old shadow side, i was in the crunch of getting into functionality, and keeping computers in productivity, was priority.
Finally in a fit of anger (indicating i was on the wrong side of an appropriate boundary), triggered by a visitor actively encouraging my housemate's yappy little pommeranean to yap, i retreated to my room and started playing very loudly some Suzanne Teng tunes to drown out the surrounding insanity, and assembled my flute to play along.

'Nearly instantly you aligned with my energies, releasing lower consciousness and settled quickly into the divine flow of the now, the soulful flow of the divine music, and played better than ever before.' -- Tomril

"It was wonderful to feel joy return to your heart from the musical flow, followed by appreciation for the recent Hathors initiation work to activate your ability to channel the highest of sound energies as ascension initation for others." -- crystalfaeries

That brings me back to my initial contract with my flute... that i would only ever play as an expression of my soulful energies, never from my ego nor for others' egoes, never to 'perform'. Since it is shadow release time, i specifically forgive my body's parents for their having imposed their egoes upon me, sabotaging my spiritual relationship with music, out of their need to entertain their illusions of success at parenting, and for a complete unwillingness and inability to ever allow me room for my own soul, my own preferences, my own free will.

Versus my childhood training to perform sheet music as an ego mental 'skill' on the instrument my parents chose for me, finally now playing with the instrument of my own appropriateness, i presently can not, or chose not, any ability to perform sheet music, and have not yet learned all the fingerings for all the sharps and flats, but i am joyously playing spontaneous harmonies and melodies from my soul, as i play along with that which inspires my soul, rather than pleases anothers ego. i definitely noticed a new level of divine flow.

i am now being initiated by the Hathors to use my flute in my mission of facilitating ascension for others, i quickly see that my level of consciousness now will not allow it to become a problem, so i flush out more old energies of history as irrelevant memories inapplicable to now.

i am, as always, deeply touched soulfully with resultant heart opening, by my listening to Bruce Mitchell's music as i do my morning channelling today. One of the principles of conscious reality creation is that of releasing history, to let go of both past and future as the illusions they are, but more importantly to release all value, meaning, and emotion we have attached to any story, particularly that of our history, and so i choose now to be done with all of this history I've just processed.

The previous paragraph was delightfully interrupted by a telephone call for a healing, and so i am joyously back in the flow of the moment, having lost track of what came before in today's channelling, and whether i was leading to some point or conclusion, and that is just perfect !-)

"Yes, celeste, this is excellent integration with tomril, and now we offer you an energetic activation to more fully integrate your multiple aspects, both more overshadowed by your tomril higher self. Just allow the energy flow, and visualize yourself in your ideal form, splashing in the waves breaking upon the sandy beach shoreline." -- crystalfaeries

'The Hathors wish me to relay to you this message:'
"We are facilitating an integration for you of crystaline body activations combining both faery and [mankind] genetics and harmonics, resulting as you have been noticing lately since the beginning of our initiation with you, as a much stonger alignment with the very gentle and higher realm sensitivity and refinement of frequencies and harmonies. Yes, this will result in your leaving behind as old time-line a portion of your music collection :-) "
-- The Hathors via tomril

"We crystal faeries are very happy to share this initiation and activation and awakening with you. It is important for you to create a very gentle day for yourself today to facilitate the anchoring into your DNA of this energetic activation."

Ah, i love the flow of the universe in the moment. We really don't need the illusion we call money, the point of life is to give as feels appropriate, as much as we are able to advance the good of all. To whatever extent we place values on things, or focus on what we are getting, we are implying scarcity and we get scarcity, and this is exactly the social function which money serves as administered by the world controllers. If we can beleive-in "you get what you put out", then we can focus on opportunities to give more to more people, knowing that what we need, and beyond that, that which is appropriate for us, shall arrive, somehow. -- celeste

"Yes, we like and encourage the gentle way you're allowing yourself to flow, releasing with love, concepts and feelings and items from your old time-lines, embracing with focus and passion, your new relationship with music, and the clearly light and creative side of life. Play on, Fae!" -- crystalfaeries

Yay... the day continues with more initiations and cocreations:

crystalfaery	the Hathor initiations are making quite a difference
a_friend	yayyy
a_friend	i am really intrigued by your connection with the Hathors
crystalfaery	it's all frequency... music, oils, light
a_friend	yes
crystalfaery	I've been linking to this for a while,
crystalfaery	and don't recall if the time of the link
crystalfaery	included the current version (revised):
a_friend	awesome
a_friend	yes, pursuing their heart's desire
a_friend	ok
a_friend	so your flute playing is affecting
a_friend	your surroundings and those within it?
crystalfaery	I've been initiated by the crystal faeries to channel energies
crystalfaery	via the 8D portals for ascension codon activations,
crystalfaery	and now I'm being activated by the Hathors
crystalfaery	for sound activations yes via my flute...
crystalfaery	no doubt overtones to the audible frequencies
crystalfaery	this then provides some "reason" behind
crystalfaery	the dictate to always carry my flute...
crystalfaery	practice for my new modalities, thus,
crystalfaery	leave the old time-line and ways behind,
crystalfaery	adopt and allow new modalities for new time-lines
crystalfaery	I'm in a 5 to 7 week initiation process with the Hathors
a_friend wonderful bardess/druidess
a_friend	oh wow
crystalfaery	so, i don't know much consciously about it yet, only that
crystalfaery	I'm much more able to play flute spontaneously with music,
crystalfaery	but then I've also been encoding Suzanne Teng's music
crystalfaery	into my subconscious by listening a lot to her playing
a_friend	smiles
crystalfaery	as I've been telling people,
crystalfaery	it's far more effective and powerful,
crystalfaery	but initially pretty subtle to have the 8D portal
crystalfaery	compared to my old 5D aetheric healing skills
a_friend	is there something i can do with you right now
a_friend	with more focus and intention which will help us both?
crystalfaery	i would suggest perhaps we spend 5 minutes just opening up
crystalfaery	to our own higher selves inside our portals,
crystalfaery	and allow them to guide a cocreation / co-initation
crystalfaery	so I'm also asking to be shown, as well as initiated,
crystalfaery	anything i should consciously be aware of for cocreation with you
a_friend	ok
crystalfaery	oh! Kaua'i 8D-4D portal just grew roots down into 4D realms...
crystalfaery	this is going to affect not just 4D conscious beings...
crystalfaery	but Kaua'i is now going to shift lower realms also...
crystalfaery	2014-05-19 08:15:03+00:00
crystalfaery	obviously the 4D activation is related to
crystalfaery	my upcoming presentation on
crystalfaery	an alternative to life with the Mark(s) of the Beast.

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