ESP. Clairvoyance. Women's Intuition. Remote Viewing. Psychics. The Sixth Chakra. The Ajna Center. The Pineal Gland. Let me count the names...
"Clairvoyance", (a French word which transliterates as "clear seeing"), comes by accessing the non-dual densities and above (the "aetheric" or "etheric" (spiritual) planes). The ClairVoyant will see with the third eye, energy patterns in the spirit (aetheric), and will equally clearly be able to see the aura, the astral body, and the physical body, their interconnections, and health.
Many "psychics" or "readers" of various kinds work only with "tools of knowing",
or are otherwise limited to "reading" or accessing information from the astral plane.
lower 4 dimensions, which includes the first 3 of the physical world,
and the 4th of the astral / emotional realm,
are subject to distortions, illusions, deceptions, etc.
I am here leaving time to be counted as the 0th dimension.
A variety of "psychic" skills are physically explainable. A being who is fully conscious, enlightened, will not experience any discrepancy between higher (spiritual) and lower (ego) will, nor any lack of communication between them. The need of a psychic reader is primarily to circumvent the road-blocks to that connection, for example by a psychic reading to bring the spiritual information from akashic records to the consciousness even though its connection is blocked, or of a psychic healer is primarily to remove those blockages.
The physical body existing in the lowest 3 dimensions is a manifestation of, and has diseases which are the symptomatic expressions of, the astral body. The 4th dimensional astral / emotional body is a manifestation of, and has diseases which are the symptomatic expressions of, the mental body. The mental body is a manifestation of, and has diseases which are the symptomatic expressions of, the aetheric (spiritual) body. Clairvoyant healers can directly access and balance the aetheric body. Some have also received training to perform direct "hands-on" healing of the physical body, which may equivalently be done remotely. In other cases it is sufficient to heal the aetheric body, as changes effected at that level will propagate down through the densities into the physical body within 3 days.
It is also common for someone to experience release of previously repressed, suppressed, or denied emotions for a few weeks following an aetheric healing. Although the clairvoyant healer is technically capable of removing these emotions, it is ethically imperative that they do not do so, as feeling the emotions is the final link in the learning process, and if thwarted, may block the learning of spiritual lessons, resulting in the querant repeating the creation of the lesson, which we interpret as having set them backwards on their path of growth, not as having "healed" or "helped" them. Especially during the 3 days following an aetheric healing, and to a somewhat lesser extent during the several weeks of emotional release, the physical body will be detoxifying as it releases what has been physically held in association with the previously stuck or held aetheric and / or astral / emotional energy patterns. Therefore it is important to drink lots of filtered / purified water and take lots of Vitamin C to aid the body in detoxification. Exercise and epsom salt baths will also facilitate the detox.
Now we need to deal with stereotypes, usually perpetrated by those who have not bothered to develop "psychic" abilities, as to what a "psychic" is (surely you can see the insanity of this?). Not every "psychic" will necessarily manifest all of the variety of "psychic" skills. Even if a "psychic" does have all of the abilities which we may classify as meta-physical or para-normal, that does not mean that all uses of those abilities are ethical, nor free of negative karmic consequences. But before we go too far, let's stop and look at the word "psychic". The root is from the Greco-Roman goddess "Psyche", and modern usage translates her as representing spirit and / or soul. Thus, a psychic is one who is "spiritual", or more explicitly, sensitive to what goes on in the spiritual dimensions / densities, i.e. those vibrational ranges above the physical world and the physical senses. There are many degrees of such abilities, and / or the use of tools for accessing the higher dimensions.
For example, let's take the Tarot. You get a deck of umpteen cards, with their symbolism and interpretation. If this is what you use to access the spiritual truths behind someone's "question", then you can only get the 60 some odd possible "answers" available through those images. Yes, you can draw multiple cards for a question and arrive at maybe 64! (that's 64 factorial) interpretations, but that's it. You don't get images beyond the deck. The clarity of the reading depends upon the reader, even within those limitations.
The next level would be someone who is empathic, as we see in the Betazoid Counselor Troy on Star Trek the Next Generation. This is sensing on the astral / emotional / 4th dimension level, and is much more private, but is subject to the distortions and illusions of the lower 4 dimensions, meaning that the reading will not be clear.
The next level would be someone who has opened their third eye / ajna center / 6th sense / Clairvoyant (clear seeing) Aetheric sense, and is able to at least access 5th Dimensional / Aetheric dimension to bring through spiritual information without distortion. Even at this level, the reader's own beliefs / desires / expectations may confuse the reading unless the reader has learned to separate them, or better yet, to clear them when they arise, in order to return to a neutral space from which to "read" the other person.
The next level, not of skill, but of context, is to realize that anything truly useful in psychic reading or healing is channelled from source (scalar field) and happens within the context of karma (cause and effect), ethics (not morals), and also, within the limited sphere of human embodiments on planet earth, is also happening in the context of dichotomies including the ongoing war between the forces of light / order / co-creation versus the forces of dark / chaos / conflict / competition.
Any entity (spiritual being) who endeavors to truly do real psychic reading and healing must continually pay attention to not only the actual questions, but the intent (will) of the recipient in the use of said information or "healing". In my tradition we consider it to be an un-healing to do anything which results in the healee experiencing a setback on their path to enlightenment, regardless what they think they want. In other words, there is a karmic responsibility for the actual outcome... except that... Each and every one of us here has free will choice, and ultimately is responsible for our own karma generated by the exercise of our choices, however, when a psychic is dealing with a non psychic, they have a professional responsibility to care-give the use of the information as well as its content. Ultimately, the healee is fully self responsible, and the healer must continually insist that is the case to keep empowering them versus the healer disempowering the healee, or colluding with the healee in their own self disempowerment.
You will find that most so-called "psychics" out there working "psychic lines" are protected from this responsibility by the corpse-orate disclaimer that their services "are for entertainment only". You will also notice that most of them are readers only, and do not offer psychic healing.
Back to the issues of various psychic "skills" and ethics. Enter the realm of ethical versus unethical, light versus dark, good versus evil. There are those who enter temptation by playing with the dark side, and those would be the ones who do anything which violates the free will choice of any other entity about their own life.
To preserve one's self as a psychic reader/healer, and to maximally benefit the "readee", it is necessary to make a firm commitment to alignment with the light. Otherwise both are at risk. Therefore all such operations must occur with alignment to divine / spiritual, and in respect of the higher spiritual will of the entity embodied in the human form being read, which may or may not have any relationship to the will of the ego of that human. This is a very important distinction.
A being who is fully conscious, enlightened, will not experience any discrepancy between higher (spiritual) and lower (personality / ego) will, nor any lack of communication between them. The need of a psychic reader is primarily to circumvent the road-blocks to that connection, for example by a psychic reading to bring the spiritual information to the consciousness even though its connection is blocked, or of a psychic healer, is primarily to remove those blockages.
A light worker will be operating in harmony with a larger plan than self-service, and therefore winning the lottery may not be what is manifested. Reading people's minds is often an exercise in wasting time when it is not an invasion of privacy, as most people's thoughts are usually not worth knowing, being of relatively mundane nature, like: "I've got to remember to buy toilet paper on the way home from work".
One of the other misconceptions I must address has to do with the popular misconception that "a psychic" is the same as "a fortune-teller", i.e. is a predictor of the future. This is the most abused concept in the illusions about "psychics". The only way a "psychic" can predict with certainty anything about the future is either:
- To turn to the dark side and create that future.
- To choose the future for them.
- To read that the future of the person is certain because the person is committed to their own choices about creating that future.
The only alternative is for the psychic to remain in ethics by refusing to predict the future. The best "prediction" which an ethical "psychic" can make is of the nature: "Here is the future which is most probable to occur iff no-one involved in co-creating that future changes their choices.
Let us turn back to the concept of "freedom" (which is an abbreviation of "free dominion", the right of choice. To have 100% freedom in the future, it must be 100% unknown because it has not yet been chosen. To have a guarantee about some aspect of the future, a chosen future, it is necessary to give up 100% of freedom of choice about that future. Any so-called "psychic" who does not present these concepts to a "readee" along with any such "predictions" is not ethical.
What is the best psychic service? Caveat Emptor. I suggest you follow recommendations of others you personally know and trust who have already found competent psychics, unless your actual agenda is to disprove psychic abilities, in which case you'll most likely succeed in proving they don't exist in your reality. Any "Psychic" who tells you what to do is not one you want. A good psychic will help you achieve clarity of consciousness so that you can make your appropriate choices, rather than choose for you by either telling you what you should do, or by predicting for you what "will" happen. You can give your power, choice, and future to a "psychic", but you're a fool to do so, and they're a fool to let you do so, unless they've disclaimed all responsibility by advertising that their services are "for entertainment only".
You can also "sex your way to enlightenment" by practicing enough Tantra to raise kundalini, which will open the higher chakras, including the third-eye / 6th-chakra clairvoyant awareness center. Any metaphysical bookstore will carry several books describing clairvoyance. Choose a heart-centered path. Beware anything which violates the free-will choice of others. Go to your local health-food stores and metaphysical bookstores, and look for local schools, books, magazines, CDs, or, continue reading here.
I counsel via telephone.