Timberwolf HQ:
Solfeggio Frequencies and
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![[Solfeggio 001]](/imgs/music/landscape/solfeggio.001.png)
[Most of us have experienced] listening to a piece of music that really stirs our hearts and minds. The music literally brings tears to our eyes and joy to our hearts. There is a reason for this that goes back through time to an earlier musical scale now referred to as the "Solfeggio Frequencies". This is [at least] a six note scale [which resembles] our modern seven note musical scale. When related to music, 'Solfeggio' is referred to as the "ability to sight read music and sing the notes accurately [perfect pitch] without the use of a musical instrument'.
The solfeggio frequencies are reputed to be the original [tones] used by the Gregorian Monks when they chanted. The chant, based on the six notes, penetrates deep into the conscious and subconscious mind, drawing forth emotional reactions which we are sometimes unable to completely control. Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, reinforces this observation, stating:
"Energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. We have 70 different receptors on the molecules and when vibration and frequency reaches that far they begin to vibrate". These original frequencies appear to have been 'lost' over the centuries with the introduction of various new tuning methods. I use the term 'lost' in single quotes because nothing is ever really lost. It is merely converted or covered over with a layer of obfuscation. In his article on the solfeggio frequencies, David Hulse DD, states:
Professor Willi Apel, wrote:
"The orgin of what is now called Solfeggio...
arose from a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist
which has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music
commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale,
and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note
one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it.
By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with
their respective notes and as each syllable ended in a vowel,
they were found to be peculiarly adapted for vocal use.
Hence "Ut" was artificially replaced by "Do."
Guido of Arezzo was the first to adopt them in the 11th century,
and Le Marie, a French musician of the 17th century added
"Si" for the seventh note of the scale,
in order to complete the series."
The solfeggio scale was 'rediscovered' by Dr. Joseph Barber who claimed to have been guided intuitively to find a pattern of six repeating codes in the Book of Numbers. He found in Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83, number references that, when deciphered using a numerological technique, could be reduced to a single digit. This revealed a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies which he determined to be the six missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.
The notes in the scale are:
- 396 Hz Ut Liberation from Fear
- 417 Hz Re Transmutation
- 528 Hz Mi Miracle Meditation ( DNA Repair )
- 639 Hz Fa Integrating Structures
- 741 Hz Sol Consciousness Expansion
- 852 Hz La Awakening Intuition
Dr. Leonard Horowitz spent three years researching these six tones. [In the book he and Joseph Puleo authored, titled,] "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse", Horowitz states that the solfeggio frequencies are:
"An extremely unique series of new Bible codes, reportedly related to ancient music and the physics of creation, have been discovered by a physician from Clark Fork, Idaho. The new revelation, found in the Book of Numbers, includes a mathematical electromagnetic frequency code for "miracles" that experts say has already been shown to help repair damaged DNA -- the genetic blueprint of life."
Even among ancient cultures, the power of sound waves was believed to have an effect on the [mankind] body. [Shamen] used chanting and drumming to focus their spiritual, mental and physical energies. In short, they created and used sacred music to heal. Modern man, until recently, had forgotten about the power of sound, that is, until Dr.s Barber, Horowitz and Puleo 'rediscovered' it. Along with this discovery, additional research conducted by Dr. Horowitz claims to have uncovered three more solfeggio frequencies. My research has not discovered any vocal tones for these three frequencies, however, they are: 174 Hz, 285 Hz, 963 Hz:
- 174 Hz -- Foundation
- 285 Hz -- Quantum Cognition
- 396 Hz Ut Liberation from Fear
- 417 Hz Re Transmutation
- 528 Hz Mi Miracle Meditation ( DNA Repair )
- 639 Hz Fa Integrating Structures
- 741 Hz Sol Consciousness Expansion
- 852 Hz La Awakening Intuition
- 963 Hz -- Numinous Accord
For those of you with a mathematical mind, you will already see the interrelationships between these numbers. Intriguing, don't you think? Another thought provoking idea currently being given voice is the notion that matter does not really exist. Albert Einstein once stated:
"Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."
In an earlier article, DNA Activation, I mentioned research being undertaken in Russia. To recap one main point: Russian scientists have discovered that: "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation."
So, matter does not exist and DNA functions like a laser. Modern physics has also postulated that DNA may function as a type of holographic projector which translates low vibrational state energy into 'physical patterns'. These physical forms behave in a similar way to acoustic wave forms and as such can be used as a means for decoding genetic information through sound. David Hulse is credited with recognizing sound resonance as a basic principle of good health. He studied how certain sounds and frequencies could activate DNA and discovered that biochemists use the 528Hz frequency of the solfeggio scale to repair DNA.
I think you may find that instead of three groups of corresponding number groups
there are actually six for each group totalling 18 for the configuration:
The resulting sequence would then be:
- 147 Hz
- 174 Hz
- 258 Hz
- 285 Hz
- 369 Hz
- 396 Hz
- 417 Hz
- 471 Hz
- 528 Hz
- 582 Hz
- 639 Hz
- 693 Hz
- 714 Hz
- 741 Hz
- 825 Hz
- 852 Hz
- 936 Hz
- 963 Hz
- 2 About Solfeggio
- 528crystal
- 936Hz Pineal Gland Activation
- Ahava 528
- Solfeggio 01 Dec 06
- Solfeggio Audio Tracks
- Solfeggio Frequencies
- Solfeggio Tones
-- TimberWolf