Basis of Misogyny: The Orion Group directly promotes the basis of collective misogyny, hatred and sexual objectification of females on the planet, of which many women may feel on Ea-Rth is debasing all of their potential to hold the true balanced female Christos-Sophia aspect. (see Religious Violence) Also, Males must learn to worship their own inner Christos-Sophia as a unified part of God, and this is challenging for many males to accomplish on the earth with the Archontic Deception Behavior strategies which use Mind Control that radically impacts both genders in Sexual Misery. To destroy the potential of running the magnetic sound frequency of So|phi|A, we have had dramas which are being used as a set up to replay the holocaust of the Christ Templar timelines. These timelines were important events to destroy Christos-Sophia and turn her Negative Form into the Baphomet, the dark Satanic mother buried in the bowels of earth. This has created Anubian Black Heart and many Satanic networks in the planetary body. -- Lisa Renee
"Man is to take, woman is to give.
The only reason that woman was put on Ea.Rth.
is to serve, and to make replacements" --
"Father" of Simon Parkes.
[ It is this Draconian (warrior's) system of "values" which is completely limited to the perspective of the root chakra, which is the level of consciousness of those who control this planet, and drive it's values, culture, and survival. This is the malignant disease from which we must heal! Our false "gods" are dysfunctionally limited to a mere fraction of the levels of consciousness of which we are capable. -- celeste ]
It is the Divine Feminine that is the caretaker of
the House and the Body. [ The Queen is sovereign over the Castle -- celeste ]
It is the Divine Masculine that is the caretaker of
the Forest and the Field. [ The King is sovereign over the Kingdom -- celeste ]
Anna Von Reitz
From Bouvier's: Faemina ab omnibus officiis civilibus vel publicis remotae sunt. Women are excluded from all civil and public charges or offices. Dig. 50, 17, 2.
Under Biblical Law: WOMEN are incapable of entering into binding agreements / contracts, their Husband or Father must be present when making agreements or the contract is void.
The offspring follow the condition of the mother. This is the law in the case of slaves and animals; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 167, 502; but with regard to freemen, children follow the condition of the father. [ How can this possibly NOT imply that all females are slaves of men? i.e. there are freemen but not freewomen. ]
It's Not Rape If He's a God - Or Thinks He Is
Faery blessings -- celeste