Synthetic {Telepathy,Vision,Presence}
![[Cell-Towers of Satan]](/imgs/tech/landscape/mobile_phone_companies_do_not_want_you_to_see_this_video-cell_towers_illuminati_exposed_2017-0anx0umd_fu.jpg)
Govern-Ment [al] (literally "Mind-Kontrol") by Techology driven by A.I.
You can not have any private thought
Barrie_Trower_-_Dangers_and_Lethality_of_Microwave_Technology_2010 is expert witness testimony, which, without any other evidence ever being necessary, is sufficient to prove that:
- Bee Colony Collapse is due to microwave radiation, i.e. cell-phone towers, and insecticides.
- No child should use, have, or even be around a wireless-phone or cell-phone which is in use, nor in a house or school with Wi-Fi, nor a "smart" power, water or gas meter.
- No woman who has even the remote possibility of becoming pregnant should carry a cell-phone on her body or in her purse, much less tucked into her brassiere between it and her boobs, or tucked into the waistband or pocket of her pants or skirt, without switching to "airplane mode", (turns off all the radios).
"Nuremburg Treaty (was signed by all world nations):
No [mankind] being will be experimented upon without their consent,
and before they give consent, they have the legal right to understand
all of the implications,
all of the present health problems,
all of the future health problems,
and they have the legal capacity to say: 'No!'
The only exception is a Doctor may experiment upon theirself."
I do not consent to electromagnetic or scalar waves which have not been proven safe, nor chemtrails, anywhere upon my island of Kaua'i. -- celeste
You can not have any private thought
Faery blessings -- celeste
Red Hot Highlights
By Anna Von Reitz
2020-02-19 06:36
Please note that Trump has 250,000 Troops deployed for reasons that nobody in the civilian world knows. A quarter of a million men and women wearing "US" uniforms and flying our flag -- "in our names" -- while unwittingly working for a for-profit British Crown Corp franchise doing business as "the" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
And they don't even know they are operating as mercenaries.
It has been suggested that the US troops are being deployed against us, the feckless Americans who have left our country on autopilot for 160 years.
So here we all sit, waiting for the shoes to drop. Watch to see if they are red slippers, Florsheim loafers, hobnail boots, or Italian hand-made.
Let's recap the other Red Hot Highlights that all thinking people need to know:
Remember that carbon dioxide makes up about 1/300th of 1 percent of the atmosphere.
Remember that the carbon-calcium cycle and photosynthesis both immediately remove carbon dioxide from circulation. That's why carbon dioxide makes up such a tiny part of the atmosphere. The plants, algae, and corals gobble it up.
Read that: we do not have and cannot develop an over-abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Remember that The Greenhouse Gas Theory was proposed in 1824 and discarded for the simple reason that it violates The Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Read that -- The Greenhouse Gas Theory is pure bunk, and scientists have known that for two hundred years.
Remember that in my lifetime the amount of atmospheric oxygen has dropped from around 21% to 16%.
Remember that atmospheric oxygen has dropped from 28% over the course of the last 20,000 years.
That is, we lost 7% over 20,000 years and another 5% in the last 60 years.
Anyone see a problem here?
The problem isn't too much carbon dioxide. It's too little oxygen.
We are being lied to for power and profit, so until we wake up ourselves and face facts, we have no chance to address the actual problem.
What should we do to the Mindless Ones blathering day and night about the dangers of carbon dioxide and "emissions" on CNN and BBC and in corporate board rooms from here to Paris?
Maybe we should observe the facts and give them the 200 year-old news?
And now, the World Health Organization is mad at Robert David Steele, but I checked out what he brought forward and so should you. Most of this is from a book called "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg -- here's a quote to get you started:
"In 1889, full-scale electrification was carried out in the USA and, shortly thereafter, in Europe. That same year, as if by chance, doctors were inundated with cases of flu, which had until then appeared only infrequently. The victims’ symptoms were far more neurological in nature, resembling neurasthenia, and did not include respiratory disorders. The pandemic lasted for four years and killed at least a million people. In 2001, Canadian astronomer Ken Tapping showed that the influenza pandemics over the previous three centuries correlated with peaks in solar magnetic activity, on an 11-year cycle. It has also been found that some outbreaks of influenza spread over enormous areas in just a few days -- a fact that is difficult to explain by contagion from one person to another. Also, numerous experiments seeking to prove direct contagion through close contact, droplets of mucus or other processes have proved fruitless. From 1933 to the present day, virologists have been unable to present any experimental study proving that influenza spreads through normal contact between people. All attempts to do so have met with failure." Read that: it's time for a new theory.
It comes down to this: there is no way that a physical germ vector could spread fast enough to account for the observed facts presented by any of the major contagions we know about, but there is an explanation that could account for all of it, along with solving a great many other modern medical and scientific mysteries.
Here's something I happen to know about that corroborates Firstenberg's explanation of EM Radiation impacts on our biology --
People suffering from inherited Porphyria were long ago observed to worsen when exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields.
Porphyria is caused by a genetic mutation that interferes with the enzymes that build "heme" -- part of the hemoglobin molecule and this results in light sensitivity, skin ailments, nerve problems, anxiety, depression, hemolysis (spontaneous bruising and bleeding) and can cause mental problems -- hallucinations -- as well.
Porphyria is a serious and unpleasant condition and exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields makes it worse. Why?
Hemoglobin carries oxygen in our blood, and Porphria reduces the amount of viable hemoglobin, therefore, also the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Combine that with decreasing atmospheric oxygen and what is today called "Electrical Sensitivity" and you get:
- headaches
- dizziness
- nausea
- confusion
- fatigue
- nervous exhaustion
- depression
- muscle weakness
- various kinds of blood disorders
- internal bleeding and bruising
- heart irregularities
- symptoms akin to a hemorrhagic fever
...independent of any biological vector at all.
The overall loss of oxygen in the atmosphere, the additional air pollution in China, and the deployment of 5G exposing people to much higher levels of EM radiation can very neatly account for the widespread symptoms of hemorrhagic fever.
It also explains the fact that people thought to be suffering from the corona virus are recovering with simple oxygen therapy in South Korea:
There's more. When radio transmitters were established on the Isle of Wight back in 1904, the native bees began to die off.
And where else have we had a major league problem with bees conking over for no known reason? America's farm belt, right where and when microwave transmitters were being installed and wi-fi was being jammed into every kitchen cabinet.
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 sheds more light -- I quote Firstenberg again:
" [The Spanish Flu Epidemic] which actually began in the United States, at the Naval Radio School of Cambridge, Massachusetts, with 400 initial cases. This epidemic rapidly spread to 1,127 soldiers at Funston Camp (Kansas), where wireless connections had been installed. What intrigued the doctors was that while 15% of the civilian population were suffering from nosebleeds, 40% of the Navy suffered from them. Other bleeding also occurred, and a third of those who died did so due to internal hemorrhaging of the lungs or brain.
In fact, it was the composition of the blood that had been altered, as the measured coagulation time was more than twice as long as normal.
These symptoms are incompatible with the effects of the influenza respiratory viruses, but totally consistent with the devastating effects of electricity. Another incongruity was that two-thirds of the victims were healthy young people. A further atypical flu symptom was that the pulse slowed to rates of between 36 and 48, whereas this is a common result of exposure to electromagnetic fields."
There's more. You may have heard that heart disease and cancer were comparatively unknown a century ago and that diabetes was rare, too -- all these new disease statistics have been blamed on diet and environmental pollution, but they in fact appeared and escalated at the same time as the electrical grid and high-power radio transmitters. So?
Here's another quote from The Invisible Rainbow:
"Graphs showing the statistics for death rates from heart disease broken down by the degree of electrification of the American states in 1931 and 1940 are also very explicit and leave no doubt as to the toxicity of electromagnetic fields for the heart, thus exonerating cholesterol and diets deemed too high in fat."
And another Fun Fact -- both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell developed diabetes, which was very rare at the time.
There's a lot more, but it culminates in this gem:
"In 1997, there was a 31% increase in the number of cases of diabetes in the United States in a single year, which precisely correlated with the mass introduction of cell phones in the country."
Firstenberg builds a convincing historical development that is consistent with observed facts and explains things that are otherwise inexplicable.
Spanish Influenza, dead bees, wild increases in heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and the reason that oxygen therapy is needed and why it helps people recover from the symptoms of the "corona virus". All in one swoop.
What remains to be seen is what we can do about it.
Practical Answers
By Anna Von Reitz
2020-02-19 05:40:41+00:00
The idea behind vaccines is that if you inject dead bacteria or dead viruses (viruses are technically dead already, but in this case, we are talking about denatured virus) our bodies will produce antigens that recognize the proteins of the specific bacteria or virus as foreign and attack them accordingly.
This can work to pre-warn and prepare the body to fight a specific virus or bacteria.
As RFK, Jr. has proven in spades, vaccines today are not safe, not properly controlled, tested, composed of safe serum components, or -- generally speaking, effective.
This is because, again, the foxes have been left in control of the hen house.
Big Pharma has been allowed to do all sorts of crazy, irresponsible things like adding Mercury to vaccine serums -- apparently just to see what injecting known poisons would do to us. Uh-duh.
The idea, then, that we should willingly roll up our sleeves and subject ourselves as lab rats for Big Pharma and that Big Pharma should be held harmless for the results is ludicrous, but until we all stand up on our hind legs and push back, that's what we've got going on.
And the quasi-military government of "the" United States of America thinks it owns us and is entitled to force us to submit to "mandatory" vaccinations as long as we stupidly allow them to claim that we are U.S. Citizens [This is the political status equivalent of people in the active duty military and we all know how "free" they are while on tour, don't we?]
If you ever needed a good reason to drop the U.S. Citizen mask and reclaim your God-given freedom by declaring your birthright political status as an American -- having control of your health care is about as good as it gets.
Go to: and get started and get pushing today. Many hands devoted to both freedom and health make light work. Sit on your hands and you know what to expect.
Hand washing, surface cleaning, and fighting infections with ultrasonically distributed anti-virals, such as the essential oils [classic spice, citrus, tea tree, and oregano] proven to kill even Bubonic Plague, are far more effective in destroying all biologically active infections, whether or not these bugs are "weaponized".
But, what if it's not even a virus? What if we are seeing the effects of 5G?
Little known fact -- Wuhan was the location of the first Chinese roll out of 5G.
Another little known fact -- 5G produces radiation sickness with symptoms identical to serious influenza, or, corona virus.
Imagine that? Two for the price of one. And get the worldwide population reduced at the same time. Our nightmare, the Zionist dream.
If anyone out there was paying attention, the Democratic Party has entirely collapsed in on itself. The craziness that has dominated DC for a century and a half, as it turns out, is not superficial or even political in nature.
Recent studies have literally, factually, statistically proven that people who identify themselves as "Democrats" or as members of the Democratic Political Party, are far more likely to have been treated for mental illnesses ranging from "serious depression" to chronic anti-social conditions like "Borderline Syndrome" to Schizophrenia to outright episodic violent psychosis.
The picture of Nancy Pelosi's sullen face as President Trump read the new employment statistics for African and Hispanic Americans began to make sense. Her snarling over improved median household income, reduced crime statistics, and increased American longevity, came into focus, too.
I have already explained why the Democrats have to keep their constituents poor and uneducated and sick despite all the promises they make and despite entire generations of wielding the Big Stick in DC. Our ignorance and discontent is their Bread and Butter. It's what keeps them in power.
Our failure to check voting records and study history only exacerbates the situation and makes it less likely that we will find a solution to the common cold or much of anything else.
While you were sleeping Democrat-controlled Think Tanks quietly re-defined Old Age as a disease.
Time all the Baby Boomers woke up while they still have a leg to stand on and freedom from Politburo-style Health Commissions.
Old age is a disease? Who knew? Is it catching?
There are days when I want to track down every Democrat in America and have a few words, including a Logic Test, to check out their reasoning abilities.
Bloomberg and Company can obviously see the logic that keeping people discontent and miserable while feeding them lies as to what you are going to do about it, is an avenue to power.
I wonder if they can see the End Game -- what happens to them after all their constituents are gone? Murdered by biological and economic and media warfare? Killed by despair, drugs, poverty, and war -- none of which was ever necessary?
When all those consumers misidentified as "Useless Eaters" are gone, exactly who or what is going to stoke their economies and fund their billions? Their private Caribbean Islands -- like Joe Biden's little paradise away from home?
They are smart the same way criminals are smart. Quick on the uptake when it comes to any personal advantage, but really, really slow when it comes to seeing the Big Picture of Cause and Effect.
And now it's all catching up to them.
Just say no and say it in a big way. Say it consistently, with determination and fervor. Look them all in the eye and say, "No. Ain't happenin'. Bye."
And join me in laying in a supply of anti-septic wet wipes and bleach, vinegar and essential oils, ultrasonic diffusers, humidifiers, hydrogen peroxide, and soap.
I've been saying that we really need to clean house for years. Who knew it would entail actual mops, buckets, and bleach?
Go to: and jump start self-government today.
The Direct Relationship Between Electrification and Pandemics Posted on April 8, 2020 by State of the Nation.
Magnetobiology: 60 GHz and Oxygen Deprivation
![[5G Apocalypse]](/imgs/tech/portrait/dees-5gb.jpg)
Excerpt from transcript of Dr. Thomas Cowan:
In every pandemic in the last 150 years there was a quantum leap in the electrification of the earth.
In late fall of 1917, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field you poison it, you kill some, and the rest go into a kind of suspended animation so that interestingly they live a little bit longer and sicker.
Then starts in WWII the next pandemic with the introduction of radar equipment all over the earth, blanketing the entire earth in radar fields. First time humans have ever been exposed to that.
In 1968 there was the Hong Kong flu and it was the first time the earth has a protective layer in the Van Allen belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic fields from the Sun and Earth, from the Moon and Jupiter etc., integrates that and essentially distributes that to the living beings of the earth. We put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies throughout the Van Allen belt. Within six months we had a new viral pandemic. Why viral? Because the people are poisoned, they excrete toxins. They look like viruses so people think it's a flu epidemic. Excerpt from the book: "Magnetobiology", Underlying Physical Problems. Effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms
Oxygen the atom is O. Oxygen the molecule is 02. Two atoms together.
These two atoms forming the oxygen molecule share some electrons. 60 GHz causes electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, akin to how high-powered microwaves running on 2.4 GHz impact molecules in food such as water. They're heating, in part, by causing those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super tiny water molecules helps heat the rest of the food.
In a similar way that 2.4 GHz causes H20 to oscillate, 60 GHz even at low power causes electrons on oxygen molecules to spin; changes to the spin frequencies on oxygen electrons impact human biology.
When you breathe air into your lungs it gets oxygen into your blood, brain, tissues etc., and oxygen entering your lungs gets picked up by a very important iron containing protein called hemoglobin in your blood.
The impact of oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.
![[millimeter radio waves 57]](/imgs/tech/portrait/millimeter_radio_waves.57.png)
![[millimeter radio waves 58]](/imgs/tech/portrait/millimeter_radio_waves.58.png)
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![[millimeter radio waves 60]](/imgs/tech/portrait/millimeter_radio_waves.60.png)
![[millimeter radio waves 99]](/imgs/tech/landscape/millimeter_radio_waves.99.png)
- Barry_Trower-Dangers_and_Lethality_of_Microwave_Technology_2010
- connection between CoronaVirus and 5G
- david wilcock on the great pandemic part iv
- veteran md drops bombshell about 5g technology dangers at 5g hearing
- To bee, or not to bee, that is the 5G question - Olle Johansson
- 5G confusion clarification one step at a time
> Feed: EMR Australia - Blog > Title: Swiss Experts on Wireless Radiation and Health > Author: Lyn McLean > Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2021 03:42:41 -1000 > Link: Swiss experts say that electromagnetic fields, at levels that comply with international standards, increase oxidative stress which is implicated in many adverse health conditions. In a special issue of their newsletter, BERENIS, the Swiss expert group on electromagnetic fields and non-ionising radiation, released the results of their review of approximately 150 animal and cell studies conducted between 2010 and 2020. '...the majority of the animal and more than half of the cell studies provided evidence of increased oxidative stress caused by RF-EMF [radiofrequency/wireless electromagnetic fields] or ELF-MF [power-frequency fields]. This notion is based on observations in a large number of cell types, applying different exposure times and dosages ... also in the range of the regulatory limits.' Oxidative stress and health Oxidative stress occurs when the body has more free radicals--molecules that contain oxygen and have an uneven number of electrons so that they react easily with other molecules--than antioxidants--molecules that neutralise free radicals. (The reaction of free radicals with other molecules is called oxidation.) Oxidative stress is a factor in many health problems and diseases. The report says, 'If this state persists over a longer period of time or occurs repeatedly, it can lead to changes in the biological material and thereby to health-related malfunctions of cells and organs. Thus, increases in biomarkers for oxidative stress ... are observed in many diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, congenital malformations or neurodegenerative diseases.' Other conditions linked to oxidative stress include herosclerosis (the hardening of blood vessels), inflammatory conditions, high blood pressure and heart disease. Oxidative stress is also involved in ageing. Effects on nervous system The BERENIS team found that exposure to electromagnetic fields had harmful effects on the nervous system and negatively affected cognitive abilities, such as memory. 'Associated with longer exposure periods of weeks or months, even for just a few hours per day, an increase occurrence of ROS [free radicals], an overload and exhaustion of antioxidative protective mechanisms and damage to the DNA were reported for RF-EMF at various frequencies and doses ..., even at SAR [specific absorption rate] below the regulatory limits.' The authors suggested that oxidative stress from wireless radiation may be increasing calcium influx into cells and this mechanism may be causing the damage to the body. They say,' Voltage-dependent calcium channels ... for instance the TRP1 ... channels are involved in pain transmission and can be activated not only by stimuli such as heat, capsaicin, but also by oxidative stress.' Effects on immune system The BERENIS team investigated the effects of EMF-induced oxidative stress on the immune system. While they found no conclusive evidence that exposure affected immunity, they found 'indications in immune cells that RF-EMF influences the response to other stress factors. Effects on reproductive system Studies also showed that the oxidative stress from exposure had negative effects on the reproductive system. 'The majority of the findings from the animal studies indicate a functional and morphological impairment of spermatozoa by RE-EMF exposure, which is associated with an increase of ROS, reduction of antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation.' Vulnerability to oxidative stress The report showed that age affected the response of exposed organisms. In both the nervous and immune systems 'very young animals could not compensate for oxidative stress.' In the nervous system, the elderly were more vulnerable to exposure 'due to reduced antioxidative capacity in the brain'. People with existing health problems may be more vulnerable to exposure. 'Pre-existing conditions, such as immune deficiencies or diseases (diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases), compromise the body's defence mechanisms, including antioxidative protection, and it is therefore possible that individuals with these conditions experience more severe health effects,' the expert team wrote. 'Is there evidence for oxidative stress caused by electromagnetic fields? A summary of relevant observations in experimental animal and cell experiments related to health effects in the last ten years', Prof Meike Mevissen, University of Bern Dr David Sch?rmann, University of Basel, BERENIS - The Swiss expert group on electromagnetic fields and non-ionising radiation Newsletter - Special Issue January 2021, file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Newsletter%20BERENIS %20-%20Special%20Issue%20January%202021.pdf What you can do Find out how to measure and reduce the fields in your home with our Home Test Kit. [1] What else you can do If you found the information above of interest, please forward this email to others. If you would like to receive future news updates, please let us know at: [2] Links:
> Feed: RADIATION DANGERS > Title: Hundreds of Thousands of Birds Drop Dead Across American Southwest > Author: admin > Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 16:42:02 -1000 > Link: People IT IS WAKEY WAKEY TIME!!!!! There is an AT&T 5G antenna at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. No doubt, you will see that 5G is operating wherever you find birds dropping dead and insects disappearing in droves. Why are people not seeing that this radiation is killing innocent beings? WTF is wrong with humanity that we refuse to see what we are participating in???? WE HAVE TO STOP USING WIRELESS DEVICES! THEY ARE KILLING THINGS. This makes me sick to my stomach! For proof of the 5G antenna at White Sands Missile Range, please see: https://ww [1] [image 3] [3] An AT&T mobile 5G antenna is being used to provide 5G connectivity to participants of the Advanced Battle Management Systems (ABMS) Onramp 2 at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico on Aug. 27, 2020.
Source Article: 'Unprecedented': Birds mysteriously dropping dead across southwestern U.S. [4]
Many different species of birds have been found dead in New Mexico in recent weeks, sparking concern among researchers at New Mexico State University's department of fish, wildlife and conservation ecology. "It's just terrible," NMSU biologist Martha Desmond told CNN [5]. "The number is in the six figures. Just by looking at the scope of what we're seeing, we know this is a very large event, hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of dead birds, and we're looking at the higher end of that." Desmond first noticed the die-offs last month at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) and the White Sands National Monument in the southern part of the state. She and her team have collected approximately 300 dead migratory birds since then. NMSU biologist Allison Salas [6] says she sent some students around campus on Monday to search for birds. They came back with "several individuals of different species" within a few hours. Read more: Blood-hungry, hurricane-fuelled mosquito swarms killing livestock in Louisiana [7] "The birds seem to be in relatively good condition, except that they are extremely emaciated," she wrote on Twitter [8]. "They have no fat reserves and barely any muscle mass. Almost as if they have been flying until they just couldn't fly anymore." The dead birds include various insect-eating birds such as sparrows, blackbirds, warblers and bluebirds. "I don't think I've ever seen anything so horrible in my life," Desmond told local station KRQE [9]. "A lot of these species, they're already in trouble and they're experiencing declines, and then to have this type of event occur on top of it, it's devastating." The birds have been seen acting strange before their deaths, according to experts at NMSU. Many species that typically perch in trees or bushes have been spotted hopping around on the ground. The birds have often appeared dazed, and many have been hit by cars because they've been too slow to get out of the way. "People have been reporting that the birds look sleepy ... they're just really lethargic," Trish Cutler, a biologist at the WSMR, told the Las Cruces Sun News [10]. "One thing we're not seeing is our resident birds mixed in with these dead birds. We have resident birds that live here, some of them migrate and some of them don't, but we're not getting birds like roadrunners or quail or doves." Potentially hundreds of thousands of migratory birds [11] will not make their annual trip this winter after a mysterious mass die-off that has alarmed biologists in the southwestern United States. [snip] Read Full Article Here [4] Links:
> Feed: The Freedom Articles > Title: 5G_Influences DNA > Author: Makia Freeman > Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 15:17:45 -1000 [image 1] [1]
A new study mathematically models how 5G induces coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) via millimeter wave penetration of our cells. 5G can also influence and change our DNA.
5G induces coronaviruses
according to a new study just published on the US NIH (National Institute of Health) website and published earlier elsewhere. The study, entitled 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells [2] (full version here [3]), comes to the shocking conclusion - shocking from a mainstream scientific viewpoint - that 5G technology can instigate the body to produce viruses as a cellular response. Guess what? The 5G millimeter waves (so-called because they operate in extremely high frequencies where there is less than a millimeter between the wave peaks) can make the body produce not just any class of viruses but actually coronaviruses! This research peels back another layer of Operation Coronavirus, affirming the coronavirus 5G connection [4] that I and others were warning about in February when this entire plandemic got off the ground. In that article I asked the question: What if 5G is being used to open up the skin of those in Wuhan so as to allow the new bioweapon coronavirus to infiltrate more easily? Now with more information the question could be: What if 5G is being used to open up the skin and simultaneously create coronaviruses?
Research Spells Out How EMF in the Form of 5G Induces Coronaviruses
I will reproduce the entire abstract of the study here:
In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.
In plain English, this is what it says: DNA is constructed from electrons and atoms which can be influenced by external EM waves. These waves produce holes in the cells. The body creates hexagonal and pentagonal DNA bases to fill these holes, and these bases can join together to make virus-like structures such as coronaviruses within our cells. This builds on the previously known fact that 5G acts upon the bodys cells like a transmitter, and these cells in turn (especially the skins cells) act like antennae, absorbing signals and adjusting themselves based on those signals. This is, quite literally, mass programming.
5G Has Very Short Wavelengths, Allowing it to Penetrate Cells and Influence (Control) DNA
The study continues by outlining the exact method by which 5G induces coronaviruses:
Thus, a DNA could emit some waves and interact with external waves. However, most waves have a length more than the size of cells and pass them without any effect. Only limited waves with lengths smaller than millimeter could penetrate into cell membrane and interact with DNA inductors. These wavelengths could be observed in 5G technology. Thus, towers in this technology could exchange waves with DNAs within cells and produce various types of diseases such as COVID-19. In this study, we propose a mechanism for exchanged waves between towers and host cells to obtain effective wavelengths. In our method, skin cells act as dermatologic antenna, take waves in 5G technology and transfer them to host cells. Then, DNAs within host cells interact with these waves and move. By motions of a DNA, some hexagonal and pentagonal holes emerge. To fill these holes, some bases are constructed within cells. These holes join to each other and form RNAs of COVID-19.
This is scary enough, however the bigger picture is even worse. The tiny waves of 5G can accomplish what other EMF technology (4G and below) cannot do, by penetrating the cell membrane and interacting with our DNA inductors. Were talking about the power to influence and manipulate our very DNA here:
An antenna could take waves in which their wavelengths are equal to its size. Thus, millimeter waves in 5G technology could be taken more by dermatologic antennas. These waves could pass the cell membranes, enter the nucleus and interact with DNAs. Previously, it has been shown that a DNA could act as the inductor and receiver or sender of waves. Thus, a DNA within a dermatologic cell like a keratinocyte receives external waves and sends them to DNAs of other cells like melanocytes. Waves in 5G technology and higher technologies could contribute in gene expressions, turn on some genes and turn off others.
Turn on and off your genes. That is SERIOUS power which 5G operators have over the population.
This echoes what I wrote in the 2017 article 5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast [5] where I referenced the research of Israeli scientist Dr. Ben-Ishai, who showed that our sweat ducts work like helical antennas, absorbing energy and EM frequencies between 75-100 GHz, part of the range used by 5G.
5G Induces Coronaviruses - Further Implications
So what are the implications of this study? There are many. Firstly, if 5G can be weaponized and aimed at people, firing EMF and manipulating their DNA to produce coronaviruses, then the external threat is not some new killer virus, but rather destructive battlefield technology disguised as telecommunications technology. Anyone still looking at airborne particles and worried about contaminated surfaces is missing the point completely. Secondly, building upon the first point, if the NWO (New World Order) controllers running this agenda have the power to induce people to make coronaviruses, or even a specific strain like SARS-CoV-2 (assuming it exists), then there is no contagion or viral spread as such. Some such as Dr. Stefan Lanka [6] believe contagion itself is a myth. Either way, there is no medical or legal justification for shutting down small businesses, quarantining and isolating people, forced mask wearing and social distancing, because in this scenario some new virus is not being spread; people are being induced to create it inside their own bodies. Thirdly, it adds more weight to the idea that 5G mimics electroporation [4], the microbiology technique which uses an electrical pulse to create temporary pores in cell membranes through which substances like chemicals, drugs or DNA can be introduced into the cell. Both electroporation and 5G use pulsed waves to open up the cell, thus allowing the DNA inside to be altered.
[image 7] [7]
Fourthly, this research further bolsters the idea that the COVID phenomenon is linked to oxygen shortage (aka hypoxia or under oxygenation). This is explained in several ways, e.g. by the theory of Dr. Robert Young that COVID is actually blood coagulation [8], and by the 5G 60GHz effect on oxygen molecules. To recap, it is a fact that the 60 GHz band (used by 5G) affects oxygen. For instance, these technology/telecommunications websites (here [9], here [10] and here [11]) explain how oxygen absorbs a very high percentage (98% on one website) of 60 GHz waves, therefore making it undesirable and ineffective for radio and communication. That analysis, of course, is from the viewpoint of efficient telecommunication. However, my viewpoint is the opposite; I am coming to the topic looking at it from a health perspective, so I dont care how much O2 is impeding telecommunications, I care about how much the 60 GHz is impeding my ability to breathe! Dana Ashlie [12] explains in this February 2020 video (around the 11:00 mark) that when the O2 molecules absorb the 60 GHz waves, it affects the spin of their electrons. Changes to these spin frequencies in turn have impacts on human biology. It reduces the oxygen molecules ability to fully bind with and saturate the hemoglobin in our blood, thus preventing us from fully uptaking oxygen, thus depriving us of fully oxygenating ourselves. With lower oxygen levels, our energy and immunity falls, and we become weaker.
With this new information, think back to some of the headlines from January this year, e.g. Huawei Builds 5G Base Stations to Help Fight Corona Virus [13]. Did you catch that - to help fight coronavirus?! Its a sick joke. The cause of our problems is again presented as the solution.
Final Thoughts
This research is another crucial piece of the puzzle. We have known for awhile now that artificial EMF is causing great harm [14] to us. We have also known for awhile that 5G is extremely dangerous [15] in many ways, including hijacking our sweat duct antennae, bombarding us with pulsed waves (more damaging than continuous wave radiation), amplifying DNA damage via VGCCs, promoting deep EMF penetration and having mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, being emitted from a phased array structure that has been used for crowd dispersal. This research is more evidence that we are being deliberately poisoned, and that tales of species-jumping bat viruses from China are a red herring. We must continue to be vigilant in opposing 5G in all its forms, and doing what we can in our local area to prevent the 5G rollout. Our very DNA depends on it.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles [16] and senior researcher at [17]. Makia is on Steemit. [18]
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The post 5G Induces Coronaviruses: New Study Models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA [23] appeared first on The Freedom Articles [16].
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> Feed: RADIATION DANGERS > Title: why-is-arthur-firstenberg-not-telling-you-that-5g-is-a-weapon? > Author: Claire Edwards > Date: 20 March 2021
Here is yet another message from Arthur Firstenberg [1], writing on behalf of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. As a co-author and former promoter of the Appeal, I am in the unenviable position of having a moral obligation to warn the public that they are being misled and misdirected. Our perilous circumstances compel me to do so.
As can be seen from the newsletter, Firstenberg is working closely with stop5ginternational, an organisation established by the very entity from which the current global putsch emanates, the depopulationist Club of Rome. It was initiated by a woman who worked directly for the Club of Budapest, subsidiary of the Club of Rome, and is led by a woman who is a self-confessed (claimed former) member of Extinction Rebellion, a Soros-funded organisation warmly endorsed by Club of Rome.
In December 2019, Firstenberg became an executive member of stop5ginternational, effectively merging the 5G Space Appeal with stop5ginternational, flagrantly ignoring my strong opposition to this as a co-creator of the Appeal, on the grounds that signatories did not sign the Appeal to pledge allegiance to an oligarch-inspired, depopulationist organization.
Firstenberg is therefore working hand in glove with people who are serving the interests of entities whose goals are depopulation and the theft of all the resources of our planet.
Firstenberg invites readers of his newsletter to write to environmental organisations, appealing to them to stop 5G. He is failing to acknowledge that environmentalism is itself a cover for eugenics. The Green New Deal is the financialisation of nature and all the major environmental organisations are fully behind it. Agenda 2030, pushed by these same environmental organizations, is exactly about eliminating most of humanity and subjugating the rest in favour of a tiny oligarchical elite, who are so stupid that they think they can use 5G to eliminate most of humanity and cyborgize the rest, while enjoying the run of the planet for themselves. They fail to realise that 5G will destroy all life on this planet, including their own.
People need to understand controlled opposition and how it works. Organisations are either infiltrated and diverted, or they are created to control and misdirect the opposition, with the purpose of running peoples efforts into the sand. Firstenberg exhorts readers to waste their time writing more letters to environmental organisations. If at first you dont succeed, keep using the same methods decade after decade and you will keep getting the very same results: nothing. And that is the case with Firstenbergs claimed multidecadal efforts to stop wireless technology. His impact in terms of any success in halting the inexorable expansion of wireless technology or preventing its depredations is effectively zero. I wonder why.
Looking back, I wonder now if the creation of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space was always about misdirecting people, unbeknownst to me while I worked full-time for many months drafting, editing and administering the production of its 30 language versions. Firstenberg sabotaged this effort by taking nine months to automate the sign-up mechanism for the Appeal! The Appeal reached the notice of tens of millions of people so why are there only 300K or so signatories?
In his newsletter, Firstenberg claims to be very concerned about space debris, collisions in space, and the Kessler syndrome. Yet these are the very issues that I discussed in a text I drafted for inclusion in the Appeal, but which Firstenberg deleted! He refused point blank to include my text on space in the Appeal and told me that it was not relevant, when the very title of the Appeal included the word space! My text was based on my knowledge of the concerns about the use of space expressed at the United Nations, where for many years I edited all the documents of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its two subcommittees: scientific and technical, and legal.
Despite belatedly alerting the public to these important issues, what Firstenberg still scrupulously avoids mentioning - but which is in my text - is the issue of the weaponization of space. This was the number one concern in the space context at the UN year after year. My original text, excluded from the text of the Appeal by Arthur Firstenberg three years ago, may be found here [2].
Firstenberg also omits to inform the public that NATO declared space a domain of warfare in December 2019. If the Appeal had included my space text, vast numbers of people would have been paying attention, instead of which this planet-threatening event went virtually unnoticed.
What else did Firstenberg fight tooth and nail to exclude from the text of the Appeal?
? The precautionary principle
? The polluter-pays principle.
Both of these are relevant to the 5G discussion in the European context, if not elsewhere.
Now that we have identified these egregious omissions, we may wonder if there is other evidence that Firstenberg has impeded rather than forwarded efforts to stop 5G. We find that:
? When a benefactor funded a public relations effort to promote the Appeal in the UK at great expense, Firstenberg sabotaged it, resulting in no articles published and just two short and futile interviews with know-nothing DJs who couldn't even pronounce his name, let alone "electromagnetic radiation"
? When an NGO submitted a document on 5G to the United Nations and I edited it to a UN standard, Firstenberg reversed almost all of my edits, sabotaging the quality of the document
? When asked if he would agree to the summary of his book being given away as a freebie for an online summit on 5G, Firstenberg refused, thereby preventing hundreds of thousands of people from learning information that could have prompted them to engage
? Firstenberg never shared with me a single cent of money donated for the Appeal to cover my expenses while I promoted the Appeal for a full year
? Firstenberg tasked a third party with contacting me to tell me to stop talking about HAARP as a weapon
? Firstenberg lies that geoengineering/weather warfare/chemtrails is not taking place when it is fully documented and acknowledged
? Firstenberg refused to accept translations of his own newsletters that I organized in order to ensure that they reached people in different countries.
Furthermore, for two years I organised the translation into English and 10 further languages of a summary of Firstenberg's book that had originally been made by a francophone reader and ensured its free-of-charge dissemination worldwide, thereby promoting knowledge and sales of Firstenbergs book itself, and yet Firstenberg has shown virtually no interest in the original French summary or the other language versions, including English, and never put them on his website.
In February 2020, I sent the English summary to Robert David Steele and explained its relevance at the beginning of the "Covid" scam, in reference to the cruise ships equipped with 5G. He immediately published it on his website, with the result that thousands of people were able to see through the "Covid" hoax at an early stage.
Above we've listed a number of Firstenberg's omissions. But what else is he not telling you?
? Firstenberg is not telling you that wireless technology is a weapon, developed through many decades of military research.
Although Firstenberg blithely acknowledges that the US military spent decades compiling compendia of largely Soviet research on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), he fails to draw the obvious conclusion, that the purpose was to use EMR and wireless technology as weapons. It's as if we are to assume that, just as some people collect stamps, the US military collected research papers on the multifarious biological effects of EMR. We are not to imagine that they had any intention of doing anything in the least unpleasant with this information.
In the course of our collaboration on the 5G Space Appeal, we had many arguments about whether wireless technology and 5G are weapons, which he categorically denies.
Firstenberg excludes weapons experts from the 5G debate and/or attacks their credentials and good faith. This includes Barrie Trower, who spent decades debriefing Soviet Cold War spies about microwave weapons; Mark Steele, who is a weapons expert with many patents to his name; and Jerry Flynn, ex-Signals Intelligence with the Canadian military, whom I have never heard Firstenberg even mention.
It is instructive to compare the contents of Firstenberg's 2017 book, Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, and those of Robert O. Becker's 1985 book, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life. Firstenberg likes to quote Becker, but only selectively.
While the mention of EMR as a weapon is taboo for Firstenberg, Becker has a whole chapter on it, entitled "Maxwell's Silver Hammer", a reference to a famous Beatles song about a murderer. And he has a whole section on invisible warfare. Becker even describes manipulation of our electromagnetic environment as "the ultimate weapon ... because it's imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself".
? Firstenberg is not telling you about the early use of EMR as a weapon.
I see no mention in the index of Invisible Rainbow of the Moscow or Woodpecker signals. The former was the irradiation of the US embassy in Moscow by the Russians between 1962 and 1979, at levels within US exposure guidelines. The US set up Project Pandora to secretly study the effects on its embassy staff, which revealed that they had a white blood cell count 40% higher than normal and "lots of chromosome breaks". Three ambassadors died and hundreds of staff developed diseases.
The "Woodpecker Signal" was a pulse-modulated, extremely low frequency (ELF) signal emanating from an enormous transmitter near Chernobyl in Ukraine from 1976 until 1986, when the Chernobyl disaster put a stop to it. The UN International Telecommunications Union protested as it interfered with, inter alia, the emergency frequencies for aircraft on transoceanic flights.
Within a year or two of it starting, people in the US and Canada were complaining of unaccountable symptoms such as pressure and pain in the head, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, lack of coordination, numbness and ringing in the ears.
Immediately before the outbreak of "Covid" in the city of Wuhan, China in October 2019, China had installed tens of thousands of 5G antennas [3] there. In January 2019, China had also completed building a military ELF radio antenna [4] on a site five times the size of New York. The usual purpose of such military installations is worldwide communication with submarines. In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a large number of studies associating ELF waves with a variety of diseases and symptoms, including hallucinations, lack of sleep, stress, depression, breast and brain cancers, miscarriages and suicide.
Where is this gigantic ELF radio antenna located? Its precise location is secret, but sources believe that it is in the region of Huazhong [5]. Both Wuhan and Huazhong are in Hubei province, and the Huazhong University of Science and Technology is located in Wuhan. Are we justified in assuming that this giant military antenna and Wuhan, the city where "Covid" first broke out, are in close proximity?
We know that ELF radiation is amplified in the magnetosphere up to one hundred thousand-fold, changing the Earth's electromagnetic environment. Becker warned that the continued expansion of this effect "threatens the viability of all life on Earth".
Is it really a coincidence then that "Covid", which is not a disease but an umbrella designation for a series of discrete, inexplicable and never-before-seen-together symptoms, should have broken out shortly after these two developments? After all, this danger is precisely what EMF scientists and doctors have been clamouring about for many years in at least 60 public petitions and appeals.
? Firstenberg is not telling you that HAARP is a weapon.
In his book, Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg mentions the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in terms of the dangers of putting so much energy into the ionosphere and using it as a giant radio transmitter. But what is he not telling you about HAARP?
A European Union report published in 1999 refers to the Alaska-based HAARP system [6] as a weapon involving environmental manipulation and asked for information from the US on its risk to public health. HAARP was described as a research project using a ground-based apparatus, an array of antennae each powered by its own transmitter, to heat up portions of the ionosphere with powerful radio beams. The energy generated heats up parts of, and makes holes in, the ionosphere, which is what protects us from incoming cosmic radiation. It had links with 50 years of intensive space research for military purposes, including the Star Wars project, to control the upper atmosphere and communications. The report described HAARP as a serious threat to the environment, with an incalculable impact on human life. It described HAARP as being in breach of the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques [7], the Antarctic Treaty [8], the Outer Space Treaty [9], and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea [10]. (See also documentary on HAARP with Dr. Nick Begich [11] and documentary on HAARP from the History Channel. [12])
I reported on the weapon aspect of HAARP in this article: For Sale to Lowest 5G Bidder: Planet Earth (Populations & Wildlife Optional) [13], section entitled "Has the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) system morphed into 5G?"
HAARP bears a remarkable resemblance to 5G. HAARP is an ionospheric heater that uses banks of antennas arranged in phased arrays with a beam-forming ability. 5G also uses phased array antennas and has a beamforming ability. Like 5G, HAARP can be used as a communications system; it has mental-disruption possibilities; it can seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations; it can put voices in people's heads (voice to skull); it can heat the skin; it can change populations' emotional state over vast geographical areas, and perhaps even change and manipulate thought and behaviour; and it can create a lethargic or highly energized response.
This is what Zbigniew Brzezinski quoted in his 1970 book entitled Between Two Ages: Americas Role in the Technetronic Era (footnote, p. 28):
By the year 2018, technology will make available to the leaders of the major nations a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised. One nation may attack a competitor covertly by bacteriological means, thoroughly weakening the population (though with a minimum of fatalities) before taking over with its own overt armed forces. Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm, thereby weakening a nations capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor (Gordon J. F. MacDonald, Space, in Toward the Year 2018, p. 34)."
Weather warfare is now a reality (see The Dimming [14], March 2021).
? Firstenberg is not telling you that EMR is a bioweapon.
Lt. Col. Tom Bearden explained in 2005 (Oblivion: America at the Brink) how EMR can be used for pathogenic priming by transmitting frequencies that simulate numerous pathogens attacking the immune system simultaneously. When the immune system meets a real pathogen, the body goes into cytokine shock. Vaccines together with EMR constitute a binary weapon.
? Firstenberg is not telling you about 5G's capacity for mind control.
Firstenberg does not mention the CIA MKUltra mind control programme or Jose Delgado in the index to Invisible Rainbow. Becker, however, reports that Delgado described the EMR control over his experimental animals as follows: "The animals looked like electronic toys".
Delgado's research took place many decades ago. Current mind control techniques are much more sophisticated. Becker told us way back in 1985 that combined radiofrequency and microwave broadcasts "designed to produce specific thoughts or moods, such as compliance and complacency, promise a method of mind control that poses immense danger to all societies - tyranny without terror".
? Firstenberg is not telling you that Russian President Khrushchev said (in 1960!) that "these new weapons could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used".
? Firstenberg is not telling you that in 1975 Russian President Brezhnev sought to put EMR weapons on the agenda of the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, which deals with disarmament and threats to peace. He called them "more frightful than the mind of man has ever imagined". The US refused and instead developed EMR weapons itself.
In fact, Firstenberg flatly denies the abundant evidence about all these threats posed by EMR. He interrupted a fellow speaker during an online meeting [15] to announce that he wouldn't listen to anything about a plandemic or conspiracy theories about globalists planning depopulation.
Echoing Khrushchev and Brezhnev, Lt. Col. Tom Bearden wrote in 1991 that "This technology will give us the capability to engineer reality itself - both physical reality, life and mind - And we will be able to engineer it to be either a heaven or a hell; the choice is up to us". Thirty years later, the technology to produce that hell on earth is complete. We now have NATO describing "cognitive warfare [16]", which they call "the new third operational dimension", additional to the cyber and the physical dimensions that are already acknowledged. Terrestrial 5G, 5G beamed from satellites, and HAARP are capable of creating a hell on earth of cognitive intrusion and undetectable holographic insertions on a small to gigantic scale, in which we would be deprived of both the option and the cognitive ability to distinguish reality from virtual reality.
You have to ask why Firstenberg would seek to actively suppress information about the multifarious demonic uses of wireless technology and 5G, and even deny the facts, despite the existence of so much proof of EMR and wireless technology, in particular as 4G LTE and 5G, being not just weapons, but weapons with such a range of horrendous uses: to destroy targets remotely as a directed energy weapon, to emotionally and mentally manipulate people, to take over people's minds, to read people's thoughts, to insert thoughts and speech in people's heads, to create virtual reality objects and scenarios around people, to physically control people, to exterminate people, to secretly attack people as a bioweapon, to manipulate the weather, to surveil people, to imprison people, to control crowds, to commodify nature itself, and much more.
Firstenbergs sabotage of his own Appeal and of my efforts to promote his own work internationally, his choice of such dubious alliances, his counter-productive choice of strategies, his egregious omissions, and the absence of positive results from all his claimed efforts put his good faith in serious doubt.
However, Firstenberg is not alone. It has to be acknowledged that - to my knowledge - all the EMF scientists and doctors remain silent on the issue of EMR and wireless technology as weapons. Why do so many prominent campaigners who claim to be striving to stop 5G not inform the public of the weapons aspects of wireless technology, and instead fraudulently peddle the notion that you could protect yourself from this planetary-scale and historically unprecedented onslaught by, for example, wearing a shungite pendant? Such a blatant lie would be laughable if it were not such a hideous betrayal of humanity, hiding from us the truth of our vulnerability to imminent annihilation.
Compounding this deplorable record is Firstenberg's disempowering campaigning style. He preaches a gospel of apocalypse, fear and victimhood. According to him, there is no guiding hand directing this greatest assault on humanity in known human history. For Firstenberg, it is all an unfortunate mistake and no one need be held responsible. All we need do as powerless little victims is write yet more letters or click on yet more petitions appealing to all the vested interests and explain that all this is killing us and our beloved and sustaining flora, fauna and planet, and by some miracle they will wake up and stop doing it. At least 60 previous appeals and petitions attest to the futility of this idea. Quite apart from anything else, corporations would be sued by their shareholders if they suddenly made themselves bankrupt by halting their activities. We have to understand that we have both the responsibility and the capacity to take the measures necessary to force them to stop.
Learning that you are under attack from everywhere with unknown and silent weapons more terrible, more insidious and more demonic even than nuclear weapons is beyond terrifying. Hearing that these weapons have the capacity to mind- and physically control you, alter your thoughts and emotions, turn you into an avatar in a dystopian sci-fi movie and exterminate you at will is about as deeply disturbing as it gets. But we are not going to save ourselves by burying our heads in the sand or reassuring each other with lies. What the world needs now, above all, is people willing to face the truth and stand up to defend humanity.
A key word at this time of choice between life and death is discernment. Too much is at stake now for you to remain on the sidelines. You have to decide who is telling the truth and who is seeking to mislead and misdirect you. To discern truth from lies, you will have to listen to your intuition, for without it you will be vulnerable to the latest seductive misdirection. I am not asking you to believe me. I am asking you to do your own research and listen to your heart.
Perhaps Firstenberg's most reprehensible omission is the spiritual dimension. The challenge of near annihilation is here to wake us up from our torpor, wilful blindness and irresponsibility, and enable us to fulfil our potential as powerful, creator human beings. We are not victims. The responsibility for our near annihilation actually lies with us. We allowed this to happen by tacitly consenting to allowing corrupt institutions, governments and corporations to saturate our planet with more and more electromagnetic radiation, and our militaries to develop the most terrible weapons ever to have been imagined.
If we are to row back from imminent enslavement and/or annihilation, we need a truth and reconciliation commission. However, the ones who most urgently need to come to terms with the truth and be reconciled with their own complicity in bringing us to the brink of extinction are none other than ourselves. Instead of following pied pipers who mislead us through manipulation, lies and omissions, let's choose to start facing the truth.
Let's stand up now to say a resounding "No!" to the ongoing holocaust of all life on earth. The only way we can make our stance clear is by smashing our cell phones right now, this minute. None of this agenda would be possible if we gave up our addiction to the death phones.
Excerpt from Arthur Firstenberg newsletter, 23.2.21 [1]
ON FEBRUARY 10, 2021, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, based in San Francisco, refused to reconsider its decision in Juliana v. United States. The child plaintiffs in that case are demanding that the United States stop permitting, authorizing and subsidizing the burning of fossil fuels. The children are demanding that the United States give them back their future. Having lost in the Ninth Circuit, they are preparing to appeal their case to the U.S. Supreme Court.
A FEW WEEKS AGO, another, equally important case was argued before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Denver. In that case, Santa Fe Alliance v. City of Santa Fe, we are demanding that a federal law that prohibits the City from protecting its residents from cell tower radiation be struck down as unconstitutional. We, too, are demanding to be given back our future. Win or lose, our case too will likely end up before the Supreme Court.
The Earth is going down rapidly, and on some level everyone knows it. But in the last 50 years, the environmental movement has become fragmented, and must be woven back together if we are to have any chance of survival. We must advocate not just for birds, and amphibians, and whales, and elephants, and bats, and bees, and trees, and human health, each separately, as the world is doing today, but for all of them together, because they are all one. We must work not just against climate change, and radiation, and pesticides, and habitat destruction, and plastics, and air pollution, and groundwater pollution, and deforestation, each separately, as the world is doing today, but against all of them together, because the root cause is the same.
The workers, millions of them, all over the planet, are attempting frantically to plug thousands of holes in the dam in a futile attempt to prevent it from bursting, instead of recognizing that it is the dam itself that is destroying us, and that it must be dismantled in order that the river once more run free. The river is life, with its blessings and dangers. The dam, growing taller by the minute, is our efforts to multiply the blessings and eliminate all the dangers. The holes are from the pressure by the river to break free. Do we have the wisdom to stop, to begin removing the dam, little by little, to let the water of life flow over the top again, before the dam we are working so hard to maintain is destroyed in a flood that will surely kill us all?
I have spent the last couple of months compiling lists of email addresses for staff, officers, scientists and board members of all of the major environmental organizations in the world, and I am now ready to assemble a team to write letters to them all. To urge them to all start working together again. And to begin a discussion that will result in the creation of Radiation Programs within each of their organizations programs to stop the radiation that comes from cell phones, cell towers, and satellites; radiation that until now the world has pretended is not there.
Stop 5G International is collecting signatures from individuals and organizations on an Open Letter to Elon Musk and SpaceX asking for a halt to the satellite program. "We write to you today," says the letter, "to ask you to halt the Starlink project because it is so destructive." The letter lists some of the consequences of filling the sky with tens of thousands of disposable satellites:
- radiation
- visible pollution of the night sky
- interference with astronomy & meteorology
- rocket exhaust, contributing to ozone depletion and climate change
- ground and water pollution from intensive use of increasingly many spaceports
- accumulating space debris
- continual deorbiting and burning up of aging satellites, polluting the atmosphere with toxic dust and smoke
- ever-increasing likelihood of collisions
- increasing risk of the Kessler syndrome

> Feed: EMR Australia - Blog > Title: Electormagnetic Illness > Author: Lyn McLean > Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 17:24:55 -1000 Electromagnetic Illness Humans are electromagnetically sensitive beings who have evolved in an electromagnetic environment (sun, lightening etc), so it is no surprise that they may react to the man-made electromagnetic fields that now surround us, according to Drs Mary Redmayne and Siobhan Reddel. In their recent paper in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine they say, 'It would be most surprising if this significant change to our electromagnetic environment, in but a moment of our evolution, did not affect us.' To describe the effects of this exposure, they suggest using the term 'ElectroMagnetic Illness' (EMI) which refers, not just to Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), but to other negative outcomes of exposure to electromagnetic radiation, possibly triggering allergies and other diseases. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity has been the term widely used to describe unpleasant symptoms that people experience during or after exposure. They include headaches, skin redness, heart palpitations, concentration and memory problems, sleep problems, depression, irritability and anxiety. How EMR affects people In their paper, Redmayne and Reddel propose a model to describe how electromagnetic radiation affects different individuals. The model suggests that the factors that influence the way a person will react to exposure are: * a person's physical and neurological response to exposures (in this case EMR) * awareness of their body's response (somatic awareness) - for example, a person's awareness that their body reacts in a certain way when they're exposed to EMR and * an individual's capacity to self-repair damage to the body. So, people who are aware that radiation affects their bodies and remove themselves from a field may avoid or minimise harm, whereas those who are not aware that their bodies are being affected but whose immune system can't keep up with the damage, may accumulate cellular damage which could lead to disease. 'This model proposes that modulated RFR [radiofrequency radiation] exposure is likely to be affecting everyone at the cellular level to some extent. This interference includes disruption of cellular homeostasis,' the authors say. In some cases, the body is able to repair the damage and people do not experience symptoms. The authors describe such people as 'electromagnetic-resilient'. In other cases, people's intrinsic repair system is not able to repair the damage and these people suffer symptoms. When the symptoms reach the point of ill-health, the authors suggest that the term 'electromagnetic illness' applies. From their review of the scientific literature, the authors suggest that radiation affects the autonomic nervous system which controls unconscious behaviours, such as heartbeat, digestion, respiration and the fight-or-flight response. Counteracting electromagnetic illness The authors suggest a number of positive actions that people can take to counter the problems of EMI. * The first is to build somatic awareness so that a person is better able to perceive situations that are unhealthy for their bodies, for example, by embodied-mindfulness. Or, for those that are super-aware, to develop sensory regulation skills such as with breathing practices. * The second is to improve the body's capacity for repair, for example by paying attention to gut health, which can help build the resilience necessary to cope with living in the modern world. * A third positive action is to minimise exposure, especially during sleep. 'We need a good night's uninterrupted sleep. That includes as little electro-magnetic field exposure as possible. Our bodies do a lot of repair work at night, and that break from EMF exposure may make all the difference to building your repair capacity and maintaining homeostasis,' Dr Redmayne told EMR Australia. Mary Redmayne and Siobhan Reddel, 'Redefining electrosensitivity: A new literature-supported model' Electromagn Biol Med, 2021 Jan 25: 1-9; doi: [1] Supplementary material: [2] Podcast You can hear a podcast of Lyn McLean talking to Dr Mary Redmayne about electromagnetic illness [3] [4] What can you do * Use radiation-free equipment [5]- wired-only modems/routers and landline phones - where you can connect without any exposure at all. * See more tips for reducing your wireless exposure in 'Wireless-wise Families[6]'. What else you can do * If you found the information above of interest, please forward this email to others. Links: