The Heart Chakra is the seat of the soul, the abode in our body of your essence and truth. It corresponds to the thymus gland which sits just above the heart organ and more centered. The fourth chakra (in the system of 7 major along-the-spine chakras) is the balance point between your physical reality (the lower 3 in-body chakras) and your spiritual reality (the upper 3 in-body chakras). Thus, if you have any question of what is appropriate for you, ask your heart, for it is the center of self affinity. For a choice to work well for both your body and spirit, it must work well for the soul, the marriage between the spirit and body. Since the soul is most anchored into the heart chakra, "follow your heart" is the best advice.
The Way Through any apparent blockage is facilitated by the use of the Key. The Key is found in the Heart Chakra. The Key is Love. It unlocks nonforgiveness. Forgiving someone else sets you free.
How do we express Love?
We follow Spirit without hesitation.
We honor all spiritual paths and traditions.
We believe each must find and walk his/her own private path.
We acknowledge each individual as sovereign, divine, omnipotent and omniscient.
We believe that through our unified effort, we experience greater empowerment.
We assist each other in discovering, remembering, claiming and fulfilling our Purpose individually and collectively.
We support and strengthen each other in our individual self-chosen paths and goals.
We co-create experiences of enlightenment and growth and healing.
We co-create opportunities for quenching thirst for spiritual knowledge.
We provide opportunities for like-minded people to network and establish cooperative projects.
We share knowledge.
We exemplify in our lives, the spirit of Aloha.
We foster the Aloha Spirit to assist in unifying all the tribes and groups of the human race.
We support the establishment of World Peace and harmony between all races and kinsmen of the earth.
We assist ourselves and others in recognizing and honoring the essential oneness of all humans with Spirit, with each other, with Mother Earth and with all life forms.