Your gut reaction is your third chakra solar plexus awareness of astral dimensions. This is a realm of distortions and illusions, influence from the forces of darkness, a place where many aspects of your own shadow side dwell, and the realm of hungry ghosts (vampyric / vampiric entities). It's also the realm of DreamTime.
Maha (Great) Maya (Illusion) is quite prevalent in the Astral planes. The astral dimension contains all the properties of both physical incarnation and spiritual information in a no-time no-space realm of freedom of instant transformation. To escape mahamaya requires transcending lower consciousness and accessing the fifth dimension or higher. Most paths involve some kind of prayer or meditation, methods of shifting the consciousness and awareness away from the lower dimensions, the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and opening to commune with the higher dimensional spiritual body.
If we reference 3rd Density as the physical world, then the 4th Density is the astral/emotional density, and the 5th Density is the aetheric/spiritual density. In this tradition of naming, the higher densities are upper octaves of aetheric/causal/etc... up through density 11 where we exist the highest as individuals before merging into 1 in the 12th density oneness. In this system the lower density numbers are the most dense, so it's logically upside down. They're really undensities.
The 3rd and 4th densities are full of illusions and distortions. To accomplish Clairvoyant Psychic Reading (Clair=clear voyant=seer) one must shut down the lower density consciousness and rise to at least the 5th density to perceive spiritual truth.
Meditation is the primary vehicle for attaining the skills and perception of higher density awareness. Many traditions start you on a good path. It is recommended to find a compatible teacher and tradition, and persist until mastery, then you may use that foundation of mastery to explore other traditions. Do too many at once and you may never master any.
In the 4th density astral realm you will find hungry ghosts, ghouls, lost souls who mostly are attached to the physical, i.e. deceased souls who didn't "die right" by releasing the physical, (some don't realize they're deceased), some manifest as apparations or manifest "paranormal phenomena" (including some forms of "UFO"), but mostly have no or weak connections to their individual spirit and/or to the source. Because these entities are not well connected to the Source, they therefore become parasitical, sucking life force energy from those who are connected to source. They therefore tend to hop to the most vulnerable or easiest-to-feed-from host(ess). This haunting and feeding goes on and may affect you even if you don't see at that level and realize they're feeding on you and manipulating you. Once you see at this level you may defend yourself, detach these parasites from someone you are healing, and connect the poor lost souls up to source (give them a healing). None are alien in the sense that we (all spirits and all souls) come from source and are part of a huge family. All are "Extra Terrestrial" in the sense that who we really are (eternal spirit/soul) is of a higher dimension than the physical world, so until you understand Gaia/Ter-Ra/Ea-Rth as a living being (spirit/soul/embodiment) who exists in all dimensions, and realize that the separations of time and space we experience in the lower 3 undensities, do not exist in higher numbered undensities, you may deceive yourself into believeing that the physical world is real and normal and the metaphysical paranormal which many [mankind] are blind to, is real, more real and everlasting than the physical (normal) world. We are emerging through the Diamond Yuga age of enlightenment out of the Kali Yuga age of darkness where it has been "normal" to be endarkened, unable to see spirit, into the New Golden Age of Golden Light when again, as in our past, everyone will be able to "see" and it will be "normal" to be "enlightened", where all see with the third eye / sixth chakra / ajna center / all-seeing-eye.
We embody our own individual spirit through multiple souls in parallel incarnation (from spiritual perspective of no-time no-space) which manifest in a variety of bodies on a varitey of planets throughout our galaxy and beyond. Spirits are not extra- anything for they are perpetual essence and always exist, even if they have not at the moment chosen to manifest down into lower numbered undensities (embodiment in the physical), and that while we may from the ego perspective of one [mankind] incarnation misidentify "I" as a [mankind] body, we can illusorily imagine that other body types are "alien" or "extra-Ter-Ra'estrial" and think them foreign, when in fact some few of those may in fact be other souls of your same oversoul of the same individual spirit division of source. Therefore our only true use of "extra-Ter-Ra'estrial" is a statement about which species are currently recorded to exist here in the physical world, and is ignorant that even should a new species arrive, it is still part of our family of the creatures, which includes all demons and devils, and that those "extra-Ter-Ra'estrial" "entites" embodied in "alien" bodies may in fact be your same spirit's different souls, which we also refer to as "past lives". "Past" lives are an illusion because they project the linear time-space referential viewpoint onto times and spaces where it does not accurately apply. "Past" lives are "Past" in the sense that they are causal to our here and now incarnation, and in that we often suffer from the illusion that the past is causal to the new is causal to the future, when in fact it all interacts, is all causal, and is all affected by a synchronistic holographic fractally-recursive self interaction, which we may call "karma", meaning Cause and Effect.
Most angels are smart enough to stay in the 5th undensity and above, where there are fewer parasites to deal with. There are entities (spirits/souls) of all kinds at all undensities and those may be divided into the
negative ( do not respect free-will choice ) ( who will happily manipulate, control and lie to you) positive ( who do respect free-will choice ) ( who may choose to help you if you ask / give permission )
The term demons is most translatable as astral parasite, or hungry ghost, meaning has manifested down to the astral density but may not be physically manifest. The term devil in the generic sense applying to many entities, meaning a spirit who has turned to the "negative" set of choices, who may manifest in lower undensities as a demon.
Once you have developed the ability to read aethericly (5th undensity and above) then you can read any lower numbered undensity also, thus it is possible to "see" remotely all densities of the readee (the entity being read) and their embodiments (including "past" lives), meaning it is even possible to remotely view their other bodies as well as their emotions (astral body), soul contracts, spiritual beliefs, spiritual mission, ego choices (lower will), etc. In short, it's all there to be seen (no secrets).
When [mankind] deal with their fears about extra-Ter-Ra'estrial (ETs) and about aliens (different DNA) it's no different that the rest of our intra- [mankind] wars of race, religion, ideology, politics, etc... it's all a competition of your eggs or sperms to mate with the other DNA of your choice and produce offspring, thus controlling the evolution of species, and represents our free-will choice applied to the evolution of life. Mother Nature / Terra / Gaia being of the goddess/feminine/yin energy says "yes" to all life forms. Father Sky / Spirit / yang energy comes in all forms and seeds all forms in all forms of the mother. Both spirit and matter say yes to all embodyments. It is we who are foolish enough to war rather than to recognize interdependence and choose to cooperate as tribal traditions around the globe have done for aeons. Forgetting the spirit present in every rock and plant and animal you deal with in your daily life, tantamount to forgetting spirit, neglecting the inherant divinity in all around, (for nothing exists physically without being formed around a higher numbered undensity template), is our main "sin".
That true plan is a loving universe of co-existence.
No Extra-s
No Alien-s
No Other-s
All One Embodied In Everything All In Alignment and Harmony.
Meditate- go inward to know thyself, and thy true self is the higher self of your spiritual essence of unconditional love and all one interconnected web of life... and when you know that one true self, you will simultaneously know all of existence... or translating... to see the rest of existence outside your skull become one with all by focussing intensely in the center of your head on that particular aspect of all that is you wish to be conscious of. It takes practice, but anyone can master it. I should know... I was raised in the atheist religion of Western Science (a blessing-little dogma to undo), and I learned all of my psychic skills through the practice of meditation and healing I developed through 6 years of classes and 20 years of practice. The scariest part is that usually the first venture into "psychic sight" will be moving up from 3rd undensity to 4th undensity awareness of all the hungry ghosts around you even though you didn't see them before. Thus first ventures often require lots of defense tools and setting energy boundaries to fully consciously clear your space. This is why connecting with a teacher / healer / tradition is so important for the assistance in clearing and healing, though you may of course simply do it all yourself. Once you've learned to see and clear your space, it is easier to progress to higher numbered undensities and develop reading and healing skills.
Because of the devils and demons, one has to be very careful to connect with only the highest and purest of entities for guidance in this journey, for the devils will deceive and trick you and lead you astray into their agendas of possessing and using and feeding-on you. Once you have mastered clearing them, you may become a very effective healer and visionary (reader, seer, prophet, etc.). In all of this, if you be of the light, you must respect the free will choice of all other entities, except that you have the overriding right to defend your space from incursion by other entities, to be left alone in peace.
So, the answer is, once you reach 5th undensity and above, you see everything clearly if you keep your space clean. Another apsect of keeping your space clean has to do with "matching pictures" (of reality). What you believe (a choice frozen in time), creates your experience, your perception, your reality. Therefore when looking at "other" your perception is clouded by "what you believe". It is more important that everything we read be accurate, than that we read everything. Therefore we've trained-in a mechanism which when we encounter a "matching picture", meaning that we have some belief which applies to the situation being read, that our "reading screen" goes blank. Rather than reading with the distortions of our own beliefs merged with what we're reading, we get nothing. That is our sign to stop trying to read that issue or subject, and switch into a self-healing mode where we "blow-up" the "Picture" of reality we carry, releasing our belief about "what is real", "what is true", "what is right", and heal ourselves back to the divine state of letting spiritual dharmic flow of the moment guide us / create our experience. Then, being neutral about the subject we may return to reading the readee's version of "how it is", seeing clearly their "pictures of reality". This is probably the most important aspect of our training, and what is often lacking in the work of some untrained natural "psychics". Being born with, rather than developing through training, psychic sight, does not guarantee that the psychic will read clearly. Therefore I find I highly value the priority of clearness above everything except respect of free-will choice.
Emotional Addiction
If you can't control your emotional state,
then you must be addicted to your emotional state.
To be "in love with another person",
is to be addicted to,
your anticipation of the emotional state you're addicted to.
Addiction is not just psychological,
it is biochemical,
because emotions themselves are biochemical.
Your life will shift when you learn to love and prioritize,
something more than your condition of addiction.
The pursuit of enlightenment requires overcoming addiction to lower vibrations.
Fourth Dimension
In the movie / video series "What the BLEEP do we know?" and it's sequel "What the BLEEP - Down the Rabbit Hole" we are presented with a number of perspectives on metaphysics, which is very correlated with hyperdimensional physics, which is about dimensions beyond the usual 3D (3 Dimensions) of "space", plus what we sometimes poorly choose to label as the 4th Dimension of "time", which is better labeled as 0th Dimension.
Flatland is a story for 3D-ers to look at and understand what it would be like to be a "flatlander", a being who lived in a 2D reality, which the viewer, being of 3D, can view from "above" by another dimension, and thereby is an allegory to help us understand how beings of 3D relate to 4D and above, seeking to wrap consciousness around higher dimensionality.
While the Flatland text with drawings is available online for free as an e-book from the Gutenberg Project, today's raised-on-TV kids may find it easier to relate with a video presentation, so I hereby refer you to the segment of "What the BLEEP - Down the Rabbit Hole" which briefly shows us Flatland".
Offsite Links
- Density / Dimension Scale
- Provides the context to understand the next article:
- "4th Density Relationships" channelled by Lyssa Royal
- explores the changes in relationships between the traditional 3rd Density history of Ter-Ra versus the 4th Density to which the planet is ascending.
- Germane provides the foundational principles and Sasha describes the Pleiadian manifestation of 4D.