Let's Make This Perfectly Clear
For Value = A4V)
By Anna Von Reitz
01 May 2018 04:00 PM PDT
I don't recommend any kind of A4V "Process" for Joe Average. That only extends to people who are legitimately federal employees and/or dependents because of the bankruptcy -- they aren't actually getting any 1930's style "A4V" redemption per se. They are getting debts discharged in bankruptcy.
If you are not a Federale and don't want to be listed as bankrupt, stay out of it and get your assets out of the bankruptcy slush pile by sending your BC to Mnuchin and telling him to move it and set it aside. No A4V's except for legitimate "FEDERAL PERSONS" and no TDA's. Once you move back to the land jurisdiction, those FEDERAL PERSONS are re-flagged as vessels operating in International Trade, not Commerce -- and the remedies of Commerce -- bankruptcy, etc., do not apply. You are owed remedy for this situation in probate, instead.
The process I recommend for regular Joe Average non-federal employee, non-federal dependent is simple and straight forward.
- Get your Trade Name recorded and permanently domiciled on the land via an Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance.
- Claim all variations, spellings, permutations, punctuation, and orderings of any Names/NAMES that have ever been used or associated with you via a Certificate of Assumed Name added as an Extension to your Deed of Re-Conveyance.
- Cancel all prior Powers of Attorney. Record that as an Extension.
- Issue a Letter of Appointment making your Trade Name the Power Holder and Attorney in Fact. Record that as an Extension.
- Issue a Mandatory Notice under FSIA -- examples have been provided. Record that as an Extension. And then, for God's sake, just settle down and stop money grubbing. This is the first, most important part of living as a free living being again and the best means of protecting yourself and your assets available. Don't turn right around and muck it up again by getting your cart in front of your horse, making claims against bankrupt entities (which can get you in big trouble), and/or contracting to act as a Federale again. You can't be "in" and "out" at the same time. You can't be an apple and an orange. You can't be a sovereign and a citizen. You can't be acting in a private capacity and a public capacity at the same time. You can't claim that you are a free man standing on the land, and then turn around and claim that you are an indentured servant at sea. You can't claim to be an heir and landlord and at the same time claim to be a destitute pauper in need of funds from the Public Charitable Trust. There is a LOGIC to this, people, and you have GOT to understand it and live by it.
WHAT IS HJR 192? Can we Discharge our Debts to the Gov't?
By female-blogger007 June 7, 2014
Before HJR 192 was passed, Executive Order 6102 was signed into effect by President Roosevelt. This executive order required all gold and gold certificates to be surrendered to the federal government by May 1, 1933. House Joint Resolution 192 was then passed by Congress on June 5, 1933. This law was passed to do away with the gold clause in the constitution and in all public and private contracts.
1933 was also when the United States went bankrupt,
which was not the first time that it went bankrupt.
In fact,
the United States was so far in debt that it went bankrupt two
additional time previously --
once in 1789 (forming the Constitution so the state's could sign on as
security for the fed's debts),
and then in 1861 (when the Southern State's said "No More" and
wanted to [succeed secede] rather than sign on to another
pledging of assets to pay the federal governments debt).
Then, in 1933, and with HJR192, they took all the Gold, all the true money, all the property (and instituted eminent domain and property taxes / divided land titles), and instituted the income tax to control the labor of the people. In addition, with HJR 192 is when they instituted the Birth Certificates to control the people and have the future American people become the collateral for all the federal governments debts. Yes...that's right -- your birth certificate is the TITLE to your body and it has been pledged as an asset. The holder has the right to the taxes and fines, fees, etc. that you pay to the government through judgments, court cases, payroll, income taxes, property taxes, etc.
From the very beginning, the government was indebted to European bankers as a result of the revolution. How ironic that we had to borrow money from England to pay for the war we fought against them.
So, fast forward to the early 1900's and you'll come across
several key events that make it quite obvious there was
a master plan at work to enslave the people.
If you read a book named The Creature From Jeckyll Island,
you'll become intimately acquainted with the happenings
in the year 1910, when 6 men,
who were either elite bankers and/or politicians,
met in secret in a place named Jeckyll Island.
The purpose of this meeting was to formulate plans for
[economics reforms economic fraud]
for the United States.
This is where the banking cartel began in this country.
The idea of a central bank had always been rejected,
and so the men who met on Jeckyll Island,
needed to come up with a way to trick the people
into allowing a central bank to be instituted.
Three years later, in 1913,
President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into effect,
which [is was] the [current]
central bank in the United States, even though
it is actually not governed by any agency of the Federal Government.
Eight years later, in 1921, the Maternity Act was passed
which required all birth to be registered with the state.
So, now all key pieces were in place for
the upcoming bankruptcy default and restructure.
In 1933, when the Federal Government went bankrupt, they passed EO 6102 and HJR 192 and pledged us as collateral to back the government debt.
They made us slaves. But they couldn't technically make us slaves, because that would be illegal. So, they had to give us a remedy. So what is the HJR 192 Remedy? It is that the government has the obligation to discharge and settle any debts we may incur in our daily lives. Yes, this includes mortgages, car loans, utilities, etc...
But wait! Wasn't HJR 192 repealed?
Technically, it was but
the provisions that brought us into having no money of substance
still exist and apply.
In other words,
we didn't go back to using "real money" (gold/silver) again;
and therefore, the maxim of
"whoever brings the obligation must bring the remedy"
still applies. So,
the government still has the fiduciary duty to discharge and settle your debts,
because we still don't have access to money of real substance,
AND because the USA [is was] still in bankruptcy mode. So,
the Secretary of the Treasury is still the "Receiver" in a Bankruptcy.
Your birth certificate is still a bond and
your debts are still prepaid by your future labor, property, and taxes
that they are assuming the Administration of
as the Office of the Executor of the ESTATE
of the ALL CAPS JOHN H DOE name.
They still hypothecated the Birth Certificate
and made Billions of [f] the birth (or Naturalization) of every new citizen.
In fact,
in every court case over $7,000,
there are new bonds created and traded off your BC ESTATE.
Okay, so now that we know this information about HJR192, can we just write something like "Discharge According to HJR 192" on a bill and call it a day?
The short answer is No.
We cannot just simply scribble some words at a 45 degree angle
(like other guru's are teaching) across a bill
and think that we are done,
and we never have to pay FRN's for our bills ever again.
This is why those who are not fully informed
call this the HJR 192 scam, because it isn't
easy breezy, wham bam thank you ma'am.
The fact of the matter is this is just the tip of the iceberg,
and the rabbit hole goes far deeper than any of us ever imagined.
If we really want to change our lives,
it will take massive amounts of studying and a healthy dose of trial
and error.
We need to educate ourselves not only on the history of how this all
came about,
but also stay on the forefront of new technologies that can be used to
change our status and
obtain our remedy
as close to 100% of the time as possible.
[The obsolete A4V process was:] Hand printed at 45 degree angle on negotiable instrument:
"Accepted for Value; Exempt From Levy; Deposit to the Treasury of the United States of America and Charge the Same to Cestui Que Trust Name (Strawman); Exemption ID#: 123456789; Joan Doe Living Being Signature + Date"
(for most of you, your strawman name is the capitalized version of your body's name, or more likely, was the name on your Berth Certificate, however modified by any "legal name changes" you executed, which may include marriages (corpse-orate mergers) and/or divorces (corpse-orate splits)).
The EID is your SSN without the "-"s in the middle.
The above is basically the Winston Shrout version, modifed to move the signature to the bottom where it belongs, endorsing and validating all above it.
I (celeste:crystalfaery) have done a variation of this, which basically structures this to be like a typical "check/cheque", associated with a UCC-1 filing (UCC "redemption"):
On the front side of the instrument at 45 degree angle:
"Accepted for Value; Exempt From Levy; Charge to the Cestui Que Trust name (Strawman); Exemption ID#: 123456789; Joan Doe Living Being Signature + Date"
then on the reverse of the document at 90 degree angle, endorse the "cheque":
"Pay to the order of the Treasurer of the United States of America Without Recourse"
This then restricts to whom and how this negotiable instrument may be paid... specifically to the NATION, The USoA's Treasury, not to the CORPseORATION named THE UNITED STATES, INCORPORATED.
This prevents any of the pirates operating as "the feds", "the states", or "the counties" from pirating the funds.
It might be technically incorrect, maybe should be to the corpse, but I'm open to hear reason/logic/law regarding this issue.
It makes my intent clear that I'm operating under the "offer of peace" under 12 USC 95 A 2 assigning all reversionary interest in the Cestui Que Trust to "the United States of America" to complete their usufructary interest.
Reference: http://iamsomedude.com/
The entire Acceptance For Value / Debt Offset process
has become obsolete as the bankruptcies proceeded on The Federal Reserve System,
and the 3 in-corpse-orated USAs based in the 10 square miles of the District of Columbia.
NOW you need to investigate what DOES work NOW:
Indemnity Bonds.
Faery blessings -- celeste