2021-06-30 MercuryDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Rational Mind: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces 06/30 05:57:36 HST Sunrise 06/30 11:53:29 HST Moonset 06/30 19:25:57 HST Sunset
2021-06-30 MercuryDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Rational Mind: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces 06/30 05:57:36 HST Sunrise 06/30 11:53:29 HST Moonset 06/30 19:25:57 HST Sunset
2021-06-29 MarsDay's numerology: 22/0 Fool 4 Emperor Inner will, motivation: Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nourishment 06/29 05:57:17 HST Sunrise 06/29 10:59:50 HST Moonset 06/29 19:25:53 HST Sunset 06/29 23:55:04 HST Moonrise
2021-06-28 MoonDay's numerology: 21 Universe 3 Empress Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Synthesis, crystalization, unity success 06/28 05:56:59 HST Sunrise 06/28 10:02:53 HST Moonset 06/28 19:25:48 HST Sunset 06/28 23:18:52 HST Moonrise
2021-06-27 SunDay's numerology: 20 Aeon 2 High Priestess Higher-Self Essence: Realization, end of the past and beginning of the future 06/27 05:56:41 HST Sunrise 06/27 09:02:06 HST Moonset 06/27 19:25:42 HST Sunset 06/27 22:37:55 HST Moonrise
2021-06-26 SaturnDay's numerology: 19 Sun 10 Wheel of Fortune 1 Mage Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Energy, liberation, frankness, joy, convalescence 06/26 05:56:23 HST Sunrise 06/26 07:57:54 HST Moonset 06/26 19:25:35 HST Sunset 06/26 21:51:08 HST Moonrise
2021-06-25 VenusDay's numerology: 18 Moon 9 Hanged Man Conscious Relationships: Cyclical or Voluntary change, ups and downs, illusions, deceptions 06/25 05:56:06 HST Sunrise 06/25 06:52:09 HST Moonset 06/25 19:25:27 HST Sunset 06/25 20:56:58 HST Moonrise
2021-06-23 MercuryDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Rational Mind: Change brought about by shock, awakening, liberation from an imprisoning reality 06/23 04:48:16 HST Moonset 06/23 05:55:35 HST Sunrise Wed 16:00-21:00 HST Faery Magick at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple 06/23 18:49:11 HST Moonrise 06/23 19:25:09 HST Sunset 06/23 Birthday of celeste:crystalfaery & fairy:moonstar 06/23 Birthday of Angela Kahealani & JENNIFER MATTOX
2021-06-22 MarsDay's numerology: 15 Devil 6 Lovers Inner will, motivation: Endurance, materialism, secret plans, restrictions in one's possibilities 06/22 Mercury Direct 2021 06/22 03:54:52 HST Moonset 06/22 05:55:20 HST Sunrise 06/22 17:40:11 HST Moonrise 06/22 19:24:58 HST Sunset
2021-06-21 MoonDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces 06/21 03:07:37 HST Moonset 06/21 05:55:06 HST Sunrise 06/21 16:32:08 HST Moonrise 06/21 19:24:46 HST Sunset 06/21 Summer Solstice
2021-06-20 SunDay's numerology: 13 Death 4 Emperor Higher-Self Essence: Sudden change, transformation, initiation, rebirth, the consequences of time 06/20 02:25:17 HST Moonset 06/20 05:54:53 HST Sunrise 06/20 15:27:05 HST Moonrise 06/20 19:24:34 HST Sunset
2021-06-19 SaturnDay's numerology: 21 Universe 3 Empress Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Synthesis, crystalization, unity success 06/19 01:46:16 HST Moonset 06/19 05:54:41 HST Sunrise 06/19 14:24:57 HST Moonrise 06/19 19:24:20 HST Sunset
2021-06-18 VenusDay's numerology: 20 Aeon 2 High Priestess Conscious Relationships: Realization, end of the past and beginning of the future 06/18 01:08:54 HST Moonset 06/18 05:54:30 HST Sunrise 06/18 13:25:33 HST Moonrise 06/18 19:24:06 HST Sunset
2021-06-17 JupiterDay's numerology: 19 Sun 10 Wheel of Fortune 1 Mage Consciousness Expansion: Energy, liberation, frankness, joy, convalescence 06/17 00:31:45 HST Moonset 06/17 05:54:19 HST Sunrise 06/17 12:27:46 HST Moonrise 06/17 19:23:51 HST Sunset
2021-06-16 MercuryDay's numerology: 18 Moon 9 Hanged Man Rational Mind: Cyclical or Voluntary change, ups and downs, illusions, deceptions 06/16 05:54:09 HST Sunrise 06/16 11:30:41 HST Moonrise 06/16 19:23:35 HST Sunset
2021-06-15 MarsDay's numerology: 17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem 8 Kumari/Justice Inner will, motivation: Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight 06/15 05:54:01 HST Sunrise 06/15 10:33:43 HST Moonrise 06/15 19:23:19 HST Sunset 06/15 23:53:40 HST Moonset
2021-06-14 MoonDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Change brought about by shock, awakening, liberation from an imprisoning reality 06/14 05:53:53 HST Sunrise 06/14 09:36:45 HST Moonrise 06/14 19:23:01 HST Sunset 06/14 23:12:55 HST Moonset
2021-06-13 SunDay's numerology: 15 Devil 6 Lovers Higher-Self Essence: Endurance, materialism, secret plans, restrictions in one's possibilities 06/13 05:53:46 HST Sunrise 06/13 08:40:20 HST Moonrise 06/13 19:22:43 HST Sunset 06/13 22:29:17 HST Moonset
2021-06-12 SaturnDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces 06/12 05:53:40 HST Sunrise 06/12 07:45:30 HST Moonrise 06/12 19:22:24 HST Sunset 06/12 21:42:13 HST Moonset
2021-06-11 VenusDay's numerology: 13 Death 4 Emperor Conscious Relationships: Sudden change, transformation, initiation, rebirth, the consequences of time 06/11 Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse at 19 Gemini 06/11 05:53:35 HST Sunrise 06/11 06:53:32 HST Moonrise Fri 16:00-21:00 HST Faery Goddesses at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple 06/11 19:22:05 HST Sunset 06/11 20:52:00 HST Moonset
2021-06-10 JupiterDay's numerology: 12 Hanged Man = Ego Death 3 Empress Consciousness Expansion: Reversal, sacrifice, surrender to higher forces 06/10 00:54:05 HST New Moon 06/10 05:53:31 HST Sunrise 06/10 06:05:26 HST Moonrise 06/10 19:21:45 HST Sunset 06/10 19:59:32 HST Moonset
2021-06-09 MercuryDay's numerology: 20 Aeon 2 High Priestess Rational Mind: Realization, end of the past and beginning of the future 06/09 05:21:38 HST Moonrise 06/09 05:53:28 HST Sunrise 06/09 19:06:06 HST Moonset 06/09 19:21:24 HST Sunset
2021-06-08 MarsDay's numerology: 19 Sun 10 Wheel of Fortune = 1 Mage Inner will, motivation: Energy, liberation, frankness, joy, convalescence 06/08 04:41:57 HST Moonrise 06/08 05:53:26 HST Sunrise 06/08 18:12:56 HST Moonset 06/08 19:21:03 HST Sunset
2021-06-07 MoonDay's numerology: 18 Moon 9 Hanged Man Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Cyclical or Voluntary change, ups and downs, illusions, deceptions 06/07 04:05:45 HST Moonrise 06/07 05:53:25 HST Sunrise 06/07 17:20:59 HST Moonset 06/07 19:20:41 HST Sunset
2021-06-06 SunDay's numerology: 17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem 8 Kumari/Justice Higher-Self Essence: Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight 06/06 03:32:07 HST Moonrise 06/06 05:53:25 HST Sunrise 06/06 16:29:58 HST Moonset 06/06 19:20:19 HST Sunset
2021-06-05 SaturnDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Change brought about by shock, awakening, liberation from an imprisoning reality 06/05 03:00:03 HST Moonrise 06/05 05:53:26 HST Sunrise 06/05 15:40:10 HST Moonset 06/05 19:19:56 HST Sunset
Viktor Schauberger: Comprehend and Copy Nature
2021-06-04 VenusDay's numerology: 15 Devil 6 Lovers Conscious Relationships: Endurance, materialism, secret plans, restrictions in one's possibilities 06/04 02:28:27 HST Moonrise 06/04 05:53:28 HST Sunrise 06/04 14:50:42 HST Moonset 06/04 19:19:33 HST Sunset
2021-06-03 JupiterDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Consciousness Expansion: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces 06/03 01:56:10 HST Moonrise 06/03 05:53:32 HST Sunrise 06/03 14:00:46 HST Moonset 06/03 19:19:09 HST Sunset
2021-06-02 MercuryDay's numerology: 13 Death 4 Emperor Rational Mind: Sudden change, transformation, initiation, rebirth, the consequences of time 06/02 01:22:01 HST Moonrise 06/02 05:53:36 HST Sunrise 06/02 13:09:19 HST Moonset 06/02 19:18:45 HST Sunset
2021-06-01 MarsDay's numerology: 12 Hanged Man = Ego Death 3 Empress Inner will, motivation: Reversal, sacrifice, surrender to higher forces 06/01 00:44:30 HST Moonrise 06/01 05:53:42 HST Sunrise 06/01 12:15:21 HST Moonset 06/01 19:18:20 HST Sunset
2021-05-31 MoonDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces 05/31 00:01:35 HST Moonrise 05/31 05:53:48 HST Sunrise 05/31 11:18:01 HST Moonset Mon 18:00-20:00 HST KKCR Jazz 05/31 19:17:55 HST Sunset
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