
[a]scension blog

5th June 2020
> From Fri Jun  5 10:22:17 2020
> Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 10:22:17 -1000
> From: "celeste.crystalfaery" 
> To:
> Subject: State Nationals: Birth or Domicil?
> Message-ID: <>


My embodyment is California Republic state national by birth... however, i have no expectations of leaving Kaua'i except by [a]scension, and to whatever extent i am "national" (well, nations are fictions = lies) i am Kaua'ian, NOT Hawai'ian NOR Californian, and i'm wondering how to "publicly record" my Kaua'ian Nationality.

Let us re-member that Kaua'i was an independent "Kingdom" separate from Kamehameha the 1st's fraudulent government created by war, which is a crime, not a validation of something good or real (a nation). Even the united Estates of Amerigo Vespucci-land were founded in war, as was James BelCher's sovereignty also war based.

My sovereignty as the monad spirit Tomril was a free-will gift from the Great Creatrix, and her laws were:

  1. Create all that can be created
  2. Destroy NOT what others create
  3. Karma (Law of Attraction)

I dwell in divine air jurisdiction:

  1. Be Peaceful
  2. Be Harmless
  3. Karma (Law of Attraction)

Any participation i've ever had with the Federal U.S. Govern-Ment has been by crimnal fraud on their part based in deception, either presenting as fact (required) that which was only presumed upon, & presenting as fact false information regarding my status, and upon which i never had the option of free-will choice, given the frauds taught as "truth" and "history" by the California School System.

Is it sufficient to notify you of my current status:? ANGELA KAHEALANI is my lifetime transmitting utility (UCC-1-WA-2000-026-0186) for international commerce, as is Angela Kahealani my recorded international tradename, both of which are operated by this soul "celeste" of the soul family "crystalfaeries", all of which is a creation of my Monad Spirit Tomril.

Because i am a multi-dimensional being, my "allegiance" to my non-physical non-Earthly non-human realms and soul family is "dearer to my heart" than even identifying with this extant body, therefore I cannot even limit myself to "human" or "earthling" in my sense of allegiance, much less to one country-full, or an errant govern-ment body, as NO-ONE belongs controlling another's consciousness.

I am the sovereign soul celeste:crystalfaery, care-giving the New Garden of [a]Scending Souls. I am a crystalfaery, ishnaan generation, ensouled being. We crystalfaeries are our own "nation", and unique race of beings.

aloha, celeste

All information and transactions are private between the parties,
and are non-negotiable, without prejudice or settlement.
c/o: Angela Kahealani (c) All rights reserved without prejudice by:
c/o: "celeste:crystalfaery, agent"     
c/o: General Post Office.			    +1(808)346-4850
Keneke Street - 1; Kilauea, Kaua'i [UM 96754-9998]

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