![[Tripple Goddess Lunar Sigil]](/imgs/landscape/ahk_app_53_the_infinite_in_between-yhnfnf37boe.jpg)
The Celtic Three-Fold Goddess is manifest today as Brigid.
February Eve or Imbolc (Oimelc) or Brigid
As the days' lengthening becomes perceptible, many candles are lit to hasten the warming of the earth and emphasize the reviving of life. "Imbolc" is from Old Irish, and may mean "in the belly", and Oimelc, "ewe's milk", as this is the lambing time. It is the holiday of the Celtic Fire Goddess Brigid, whose threefold nature rules smithcraft, poetry/inspiration, and healing. Brigid's fire is a symbolic transformation offering healing, visions, and tempering. Februum is a Latin word meaning purification -- naming the short month of cleansing. The thaw releases waters (Brigid is also a goddess of holy wells) -- all that was hindered is let flow at this season.
![[Brigit's Cross]](/imgs/landscape/brigits-cross-iona-1024x684.jpg)
The Irish Goddess Brigit, Brigid or Bride (pronounced Breed), matron of artists, smiths and healers, is honoured in Druidry and WiseCraft. Her symbol is "Brigit's Cross", (shown on the right). Bride was the daughter of the Dagda (or Good God), the principal God of the Irish race known as the Tuatha de Dnaan, People of Dana, Dana being the Mother Goddess.
Brigit was often depicted as a Triple Goddess. Her chief shrine was in Kildare, where her vigil fire was tended by unmarried priestesses known as Inghean an Dagha, Daughters of Fire. With the Christianization of Ireland, Brigid became St Brigid and her shrine was taken over by nuns. Legend tells us that the nuns continued to tend her sacred flame until the thirteenth century, when the Bishop of Kildare decreed that the custom was Pagan and must cease. However, Brigid remained a very popular saint in Ireland and Scotland until recent times and her importance rivalled that of the Virgin Mary.