
[a]scension blog

15th June 2016

We have a "heads-up" advanced notice:
Jun 19* Midsummer
Jun 19* Father's Day
Jun 20 01:04 Full Moon
indicating that we will be peaking with solar influences soon, therefore expecting the next several days to intensify, and already things have been quite active and even volatile as energy triggers combine with the present chaotic-node to produce quantum-leaps in parallel-realities, as the two major time-line families continue to diverge into the descending and the ascending families of time-line realities.
As for myself this has been manifesting as very intense lucid dreaming merging into conscious awaking each day, in which i am clearly "problem solving" with issues, and as always, one of the most important "issue" any of us deals with is appropriateness in relationships, and the necessary "boundary setting" in those relationships.

The only constant in life is change. One of the two most important factors in the longevity of any relationship is compatiblity of growth rate, for if two (or more) people differ in growth rate, eventually one outgrows the other, and their realities grow from compatible positive synergy to incompatible mutually-cross-destructive. On our dear planet at this intense time of chaotic node of diverging time-lines, there is a growing incompatiblity, and more intense manifestation of mutual-cross-destruction, from any attempt to merge realities between the descending and ascending families of time-lines. In my own observations of the manifestation of this, what i see most intensely is the utter incompatiblity between the reality of being engaged in a conflict of wills within the 4D- duality, versus the transcendant 5D+ non-dual oneness.

I'm seeing a very bright present and future in the peaceful and harmonious reality of the time-lines i frequent. My speciality now is helping people hop from the Armageddon family of time-lines to the ascending family of time-lines... but time is running out for that to be quick and easy... the longer one waits to make the choice to make the change, the harder it gets, until, eventually, they will have chosen to complete their incarnation on a descending time-line. For those choosing to make the leap, there can be some discomfort in the body, and quite a bit of emotional and mental dissonance until complete releasing the old "illusion of 'reality'", but it is doable, especially with some facilitation, to jump time-lines!

Never try.  Just be, and do.
And if it's hard,
you're on the wrong path.
Follow the path of heart's joy,
which is the sign you're on the right path,
and it will always flow gracefully,
rather than hard.
I.E.  just relax and be yourself
and do what you have joy and pasion for.
Very simple,
and a zillion people out there with agendae
to take you out of that reality :-)
As we raise our frequency above duality,
we transcend all the conflict within duality,
and life is very peaceful.
Being at peace with one's self is therefore in a sense
necessary to transcend duality and ascend to non-duality.
The world is diverging into two worlds
one is descending or remaining unascended,
and some within that reality
are actively seeking Armageddon
because they ardently believe
they must pass through that
to get their final rewards :-(
there are those of us who are ascending already
without all that silliness :-)
So that everyone gets to live in
the world of their free will choice
Go neutral about all dualities
Be the creator of your reality
rather than reacting to
the realities others have created.
Be the creator of your preferred reality.
those who can for the moment
be compatible with your reality
and not sabotage it, may visit temporarily.
Leave them to their drama if they like it.
Everyone has free will
to make the pigstye they like to wallow in,
meanwhile, in New-Gaia, we're having love and light
and positive synergy of cocreation of joy and play.
So the strongest boundary to set
is that you have the right to your own reality,
and are in charge of who gets to visit it,
and when we intend to create something
we get what we intend
without also getting its dualistic opposite with it.
Anything and everything which CAN exist
already does in a parallel reality alternate time-line.
if you can imagine something
it's because you tuned into a parallel reality,
so what you imagined already exists.
The frequencies we hold inside of us
determine which parallel-reality we
"tune into" and then "see manifest",
therefore Armageddon has alaready happend,
and some will go visit that reality.
New ascended Gaia already exists,
and you are already imagining what that would be like
because part of you is already there, so
it's about disciplining your frequencies inside of you.
Go for the joy and passion
and they will pull to you the happy parallel realities.
We are all multidimensional beings,
and in higher realms we don't really have form,
but can make form to have... (valence).

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