(Wed) 5/18/2016 5:22 Moon (Lib) Opp (Ari) Uranus Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies opposes and creates tension with energies of individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms. Balance is needed. The day begins with deep feelings of our individual uniqueness. The evening brings sensitivities to our dark mysterious nature, and triggers that also to be brought to the surface and lived. (Wed) 5/18/2016 19:57 Moon (Lib) Con (Lib) Lilith Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is connected and fused together with energies of capacity to let go and accept their natural darker side. They will affect each other prominently. (Wed) 5/18/2016 20:29 Moon (Lib) --> Scorpio Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be penetrating, suspicious, introspective, and it desires to transform and remove outer masks.