So... as we approach the new moon, it is time to complete our forgiveness and release of all entities and energies of our old exiting reality, so that as of the new moon entering orb at 09:15HST we are completely neutral and aligned internally with our deepest core essence, our soul, itself completely aligned with our 8D (and higher) ascended higher self. This is a perfect time to invoke the complete protection of one's individual 8D-4D Angelic crystal faeries Ascension Portal!
So, as we pass through the null-point of "I am one with the void"
to be again reborn anew, what are the appropriate energies upon which to focus,
being in full alignment with core essence, in absolute purity?
I-magi-nation. Image ones most appropriate expression of beingness in
Will. i intend the integrous manifesting of my pure essence.