
[a]scension blog

27th April 2016

i continue to work on the mastery of transformation. As i have been focussed upon this, with intensity, i attracted via synchronistic harmonics an option, not to master the skill of transformation, but to have done for me the transformation i seek. This allowed me to sort my personality attachments, from my spiritual path of mastery. i continue on the path of allowing my desire to fuel my enlightenment... certainly not the easiest of paths, yet the shortest path to enlightenment within one incarnation.

One can astral project, make a second astral body copying ones existing DNA / body, and then modify it with any DNA changes one chooses, blow up in a rose the old astral body, and use the new modified one to bring into the physical body, a process we sometimes do as "reincarnation", or playing with the same body as "rebirthing". Doing this in timed increments is gentle on the physical body.

Hearts joy is the sign of alignment between lower and higher self.
My joy is very much girly.
My pain is the incongruity of my form.
My higher self says ascension is the answer, as we are less "fixed" / "stuck" in form, able to shape shift, so keeps guiding me to play and be in joy, to facilitate ascension, and obviously, also playing with astralization.

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