
[a]scension blog

26th April 2016

We use female creative energy to sprinkle life / love into our environment, faery blessings of joy and play.

If we cater to the comfort zone of the [mankind] ego, there are specific issues to not challenge. If we wish to ascend to unity consciousness, rather than remain relating within separation consciousness, then these very issues are to be confronted and transcended:

"As [mankind], status is important to us, and
having clear pathways to move between status types
can provide an opportunity for growth and progress. -- SCARF"
Status is relative value based on separation and egotistical seeking of "better than". In unity consciousness, the uniqueness of each piece of the whologram is valued as a necessary component of the whole, which is incomplete without the fullness of each piece, therefore we each value and uplift all other pieces, being grateful that they "embody" for the whole the qualities they do, so that we are free to be the "one" embodying our unique qualities. The antidote to the illusion of lacking value is increased self love.
"As [mankind], we don't like uncertainty.
[when life feels stressful and anxious],
we often make irrational or poor decisions
that can make things worse. -- SCARF"
When we are in alignment with our own essence which is in alignment with the whologram, then all flows with grace, and therefore, it is easy to operate in trust of the flow, rather than fear of the future. The antidote for fear is always self-love. In self love and trust we can focus on enjoying the now.
" [...] choice [] makes people feel
they are in control of their own outcomes. -- SCARF"
By the law of attraction / mirroring we always control our reality... to change our outcome, we change our inner frequencies to attune another reality. When we are in alignment with our own essence, and it is aligned with the whologram, there is no choice, for our path is uniquely defined by our own essence, to which we are automagically guided. Surrender to the flow of our own uniqueness is a choice.
"Scope and social groupings
play a significant role in our lives.
The optimal situation [...] is to have
a 1-to-1 mentor [...] to help them settle in. -- SCARF"
When we release the illusion of separation, realizing relatedness to the whole, and live our unique essence, synchronicity and harmony automagically guide us to our appropriateness, i.e. we fit in where we belong, which may not match our ego comfort-zone. What may consternate some is the realization that we may be guided to a place where we do not "fit in" because that place or group needs the blessing of our light/love to trigger their upliftment to their fitting in to a higher reality intended by the divine which they have not yet mastered fitting into.
"We all want to be treated fairly and [be]
provided with a fair opportunity to be successful. -- SCARF"
By the law of attraction, we each fairly attract a mirror of our chosen vibrations, therefore we are completely in control of what we receive, and any projections of unfairness are illusions of denial. Victimhood is always self created, and it is only perpetuated as a way of abusing others.

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