
[a]scension blog

19th April 2016

We are fast arriving at the point where cognizing our oneness with each other, our planet, our ecosystem, our solar system, our galaxy, is the only workable choice.
Only stepping fully into our true essence as fully responsible reality creators
will bring our collective reality back into full alignment with life and love, or,
only stepping fully into our true essence as fully living beings of love and light
will bring our collective reality back into full alignment with responsible reality cocreation.
Pay no attention to either the Wizard of Authority, or the man behind the curtain pulling his strings, or the barking dog "whistleblowing" the deception...
We are the positive alternative!
We are the ones who came here to bring our own divinity to this realm, each a piece of the great jig-saw puzzle of the divine plan. Only by being our true selves, can we be the right shape to fit peaceably with our neighbor puzzle pieces.
Once we all fit together with love, the big picture emerges...
"heaven on Gaia";
"dreams come true";
"wishes granted";
"peace on Gaia";
"good will towards all".

It is our inner purity and integrity, our soul of love and light, which is the part of our divinity, which we could squeeze into a body. As we allow our light to pour forth from our hearts, more can flow in from divine source.

Thank you, Gaia, for your effulgent blessings of love and light supporting the thriving of the living library of life you hostess.

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