In the time of the black moon opposing Lilith we clear out all which was otherwise too dim to see in bright light, and in the clarity of the dark void that we have reached neutrality we can be certain we are rebirthing anew our creational intent for this next lunation in clarity and congruence from a clean start. That which must be honored, lived, expressed, and now brighten to shine fully is the light of our core essence, our soul light, the radiance of our heart chakra, our true passion, our hearts joy, that which is our fulfillment, regardless it fits into any expectations either we have carried, or others carry, for it is time for purity, honesty, integrity, clarity, and full expression. In unity consciousness there is room only for truth, when everyone knows everything about the one that is all that is one. Be yourself unashamedly, unabashedly, unapologetically, uninhibitedly.