We sprinkle our reality with magical angelic faery dust to bless everything with higher frequencies of joy and transcension.
Any agenda to change another being is always an error. Any time another being does not behave according to your expectations, it is not up to them to change to match your expectations, it is up to you to cease having expectations, or if you're not that conscious, you can half-(assed-)step to updating your expectations to incorporate who the other being is. The passive(-agressive) version of this issue is when another being keeps telling you that they have changed, but you refuse to update your knowing of them to incorporate that change, because you're attached to the old reality (or illusion) of who (you previously projected that) they were in the past. It is further abusive of others to box them into a single reality / role rather than to allow them fluidity and flexibility of expression.
When i am conversing in voice, i am in my right-brained feminine intuitive self,
where i am at my best.
When i am communicating in text i am in my left-brained masculine linear logical ego,
where i am at my lowest consciousness.
When i am operating as the clairvoyant psychic in professional capacity,
I am not present,
my ego-personality is set-aside in order that my embodiment
is a pure neutral channel of my higher-self,
and i am completely in service to others' reality.
When i am living my own life,
i have feelings, preferences, opinions, and am choosing
that which is most appropriate for my own growth.
When others refuse to honor the boundaries between these realities,
their expectations will be thwarted.