
[a]scension blog

3rd April 2016

We continue to find our greatest joy in synergistic co-creation of everyone's positive preferences manifesting.

i'm still of enough faith to follow my higher-self's guidance.

How it will all work out is not "my" (lower self's) problem.

i am merely to follow my joy and passion to keep vibrations high, so that i may quantum leap to the most appropriate time-line parallel-reality.

Staying focussed upon the preferred reality, in alignment with higher-self guidance is the key to time-line hopping. As the Hathors say [paraphrasing]; "it is often the biggest challenge to ignore the present reality around you and maintain the inner reality of preference strongly enough to cause it to manifest, (to quantum leap to it).
Staying in gratitude, appreciation, faith, trust, and remaining focussed upon the intent, is essential to making the quantum leap.

This is also why it's very much time for me to complete the anchoring of my move into creating positive realities, and why i signified that winter solstice rebirth to celeste:crystalfaery, the magical faery miracle creator flutist.

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