
[a]scension blog

2nd April 2016

We are invoking enthusiasm energies activating our spring awakening, in complete neutrality in present time.

(Sat) 4/ 2/2016 9:15 Mercury (Ari) Sex (Aqu) Pallas
Energy representing thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with energies of tendency to direct energy away from emotional and into mental pursuits.
Right on schedule, having intentionally done a lot of lucid dreaming in the astral (emotional) realms this morning, i awoke, made my chaicotea, and am settling down to blog about the dreams just as this Sextile enters orb :-)
So... what's up?
i noticed a correlation between what i was observing as a theme in astral realms, with the theme of information / triggers which have been actively sent to me recently by "friends", (indicating their focus and priority), which also continues to be the theme which my customers continue to bring to me for healing work, as if i was still the old "psychic healer" i rebirthed from, (with the emphasis of a lawful name change), back on winter solstice, and as if i am not being and doing as i have been blogging about my new focus and priority, for so many months now.
i have shifted the focus of my ministry to cocreating positive non-dual reality with others, rather than "healing" their issues within dualistic reality.

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