
[a]scension blog

23rd February 2016
[Lisa Thiel Fairy]

As [mankind] fell into the illusion of separation in 3D- realms, then believing in that separation, they began to make choices of separation. This family of separative choices shifted reality from divine positive synergy down through the loss of ahimsa, finally falling through competition into outright warfare. A remnant of this insanity is the belief in slavery, i.e. that any entity can either control or "own" another entity. This is presently manifest through "government", "church", and "property 'ownership'", (the illusion of owning parts of the living being Gaia, our hostess planet), and is most frequently expressed as fences upon the land surface. Wakey wakey, [mankind], it is insanity to pretend you can "own" a portion of a divine living sentient being whose lifespan exceeds your own.
It is appropriate to volunteer to give... to caretake... portions of the planetary ecosystem, but the assumption that one can rape, scrape, plunder, lumber, pillage, village, harvest, mine, or drill, much less the arrogance to claim an exclusive "right" to do so, is the ultimate dishonor of the goddess Gaia embodied as planet Gaia

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