![[moon in dark night sky full of stars]](/imgs/clipart/portrait/machovka_moon_in_dark_night_sky_full_of_stars.png)
The night was turbulent, as has been the weather, but by this morning we have again sunshine, and my body is again in peace.
As i continue to release illusions based in time-space dualities, now sitting before retiring to close today's blog entry, I'm giggling at the illusion of assigning meaning to anything, when it all just is... for example playing with numerical archetypes, and then applying those to time, many have commented upon their fixations upon repetitive patterns, e.g. 11:11 on their clock... and i just noticed that i began this entry at 23:23... in the local time-zone, and have long advocated not only 24 hour clocks, but that the whole planet live by UTC, which is 09:23 on the 18th... so how trivial are my illusions of time or meaning? All of these "games" of mind control and conformance to collective agreement are forms of mind control... wherein any and all focus upon the lower density "realities" are "good" from the perspective of those who benefit from our enslavement and imprisonment in lower densities... a "reality" which i find so very obvious and so very boringly a complete waste of time and energy, especially because nearly all the energy poured into that manifestation is being vampirized by the beings who invaded, conquered, run, use, abuse, and suppress it. Having learned not to feed the "dark side" AR.KHANs, by not feeding negative emotions into dualistic conflict, and not to feed the "light side" AR.KHANs, by not feeding worship emotions into hierarchical illusions, holding to non-duality in the time-less now is very very peaceful and neutral. Yawn... Faery girl enfolds herself in her own wings to cocoon her form while she goes to play on the astral planes while her form rests and rejuvenates. Yes, i really do look this young at 65.5 after 45 years of usually only 5 hours of sleep per night :-) So don't buy all those authorities prescriptions about 8 hours of sleep per night... it's not the duration, but quality and frequency of the vibrations you hold, both while awake, and while asleep... it's all frequency... and it's about honoring one's appropriate flow of the moment, in this case, my body's ready to drop frequency and sleep, regardless what the clock says, and in honor thereof, i signoff for the night, ending another broadcast day :-)