![[Baby Fae]](/imgs/animations/babyfae.gif)
Rebirth is getting to be a way of life for this fae, as quantum leap after time-line hop after codon activation after initiation keeps shifting me closer to my goal of ascended faery girl. Impatience remains in me, even as i see others around me, resisting the rate of change, or even change itself.
![[Faery with White Candle]](/imgs/animations/fcwhite.gif)
This evening's electrical power outage provided an opportunity of altered
perception with which to release
The focus was the release of all illusion.
The most obvious illusion is that of either past or future.
The strongest attachment is to any "story" about past or future.
The antidote is insisting upon relating only in the here and now with others,
which allows the possibility of relating in nonduality,
and is likely to flush out of my life anyone who is unwilling to let go of duality.
As if it was not obvious,
it also brings up for examination,
the very concept of blogging.
Releasing past, and left-brained text-based communications,
there can be no blog. Any blog. By anyone. About anything.
i find also a strong tendency to purging almost all songs with lyrics from my music collection.
What is left?
songs without stories / lyrics.
Now, how much of my existing "story" / blog do i delete?