![[the Enchantment of the Fairies]](/imgs/faeries/landscape/the_enchantment_of_the_fairies.348x302.jpg)
i know it's not yet the 1st of May...
but we Fae do not dwell in the linear time of muggles,
though we do enjoy
playing with sounds in linear time :-)
![[Slice of Pizza (Pie)]](/imgs/clipart/landscape/pizza_slice_fco._andrade_01.png)
As "chance" (*giggles*) would have it this evening,
i was blessed to share some pizza with newly met neighbors of
our blessed little community,
though i managed to choke a few times trying to answer questions while eating :-)
By the end of it,
i had made clear that what i seek to share is
positive synergy in cocreating a better world, yet,
the path of their query never came back to the here and now,
and what specifically any of us actually would prefer as our reality.
Subsequent connections can explore that,
and then explore the appropriateness of any co-creations of those realities.
In this, then, i perceive the fundamental parameters of the dualistic linear-time paradigm, that we either are our history, or are the product of our history, whereas living in nondual eternal now, (where only now is "real"), i am purely my present will.
Yes, it is indeed true that
many of us journey into exploring "who am i not?" (within duality)
as a method of clarifying "who am I?",
and / or "what is my purpose?"
Having made that journey,
and being now very focused upon living
only my appropriate truth in 5D+
which exists only in the now,
i am learning that others' (lack of) willingness to join me,
in the now,
in non-duality,
are the prime significators of whether we can share any reality.
I'm also going to have to do more clearing of
my assigning any reality to "my story" of "my history",
and clear all willingness to tell that story,
which only pulls me back into realities which are not appropriate for me,
are not appropriate for New-Gaia,
and are not the reality i prefer to dwell in now.
i forgive myself for having slipped back into old [mankind] habits temporarily.
i must stop validating their 4D just to make others comfortable.
i must stop making others comfortable just to have social contact.
i release all of 4D- and those who dwell there.