
[a]scension blog

7th January 2016

With the restoration of my "Always On" landline service, after 10 days off-line, i had a dozen calls to catch-up on today. There were two themes, both related. One was the theme of "issues" brought to me by those seeking my ministry. The other is the theme of my rebirth and refocus. Based on recent astrological triggering, it has been natural that the women were seeking moving their realities into greater appropriateness and fulfillment, which can only be based in authenticity to their souls, though that was not their wording or perspective before my guidance. Their shared focus was based in my historical reality of working as a "healer" to heal "problems" in people's lives, as was natural from their having been referred to contact me, by those who had previously related with me in that role. This is specifically the role i have outgrown. Correlated with that role has been 30 years of expecting compensation for my work, in time, as time, on a per-minute basis. As i have transitioned to higher dimensional work, most of it is above the realms where time actually exists, and what is far more beneficial to an individual, despite their ego-motivation for seeking assistance in the first place, is to do synergistic higher dimensional cocreation of a positive new reality, based in their deepest soul essence resonance, and based in their highest ascended self aetheric patterns. This is done partially at the conscious level with conscious communication, but part of it is done trans-dimensionally after the conscious communication completes in order to establish permission to do the aetheric work, and therefore i am transitioning to associating the value of my work and benefit to the reality of the other being(s) as less linked to the passage of linear time, and thus, shifting to a modality of a fixed fee per "wish granted". How can this be languaged (in "English") to make it (crystal) clear to both those meeting me anew, and to those who are still holding on to who they previously beleived me to be, to what they beleived i did, and what they thought they were most benefitted to seek, when instead i am reborn and have a completely new reality to offer, which is far more powerful and delivers far better results?
Thus i write now.
My natural tendency now is to simply call it "Faery Magick".
Ultimately it is about cocreating a preferred reality, though traditionally it has been depicted as the faery granting a "wish" to a [mankind].
The keys of the new modality are:

  1. Examine the un-desired reality only enough to analyze the qualities of it which are un-preferred, (traditionally a "psychic reading").
  2. Invert the un-desired qualities to add to the list of qualities of ones preferred reality, (assisted by installing higher-self aetheric templates in ones chakras).
  3. Be willing to receive the faery blessing of a quantum-leap to a new parallel-reality time-line of preference, bringing far more change than merely removing the un-desired reality, (beyond a "psychic healing", the invocation of a parallel-reality).
  4. Learn how to maintain the new reality in ones energy fields, without faery assistance, (this may be discovered by following links within this article).

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