Continuing in stream of consciousness from the second half of
yesterday's blog entry,
(local time just crossed "midnight"),
carries the awareness of how my
"higher self"
decades ago answered the cries of my
3D self,
and how i have been similarly answering the call
of many beings imprisoned in 3D consciousness,
in what has been labelled as my spiritual healing ministry, my
"clairvoyant" healing work.
Reading that story again reminded me of a comment
made by a clairvoyant friend of mine
who was "looking at" a relationship
I've recently had to terminate,
with another "friend",
about whom she commented:
"you are one of the few people who can help her,
but she will not allow you to do so.".
Backtracking through the hyperlinks,
we can see that my original encounter with the referenced article,
also links to comments as i do now, that,
densities are separating further as time progresses,
the realities are becoming less shareable,
for indeed they are mutually exclusive realities...
as it is impossible to be simultaneously "a victim"
and "the creator of your own reality".
In nonduality, we are all in our power,
and busy cocreating Faerie realm,
and the completion of our first wave of ascension to that realm,
was the
2015-09-27 Full Moon.
With the just passed winter solstice and the Christmas full moon,
i very strongly feel a deep anchoring into 5D+ Faerie realm,
which was my trigger to boldly declare "I AM celeste:crystalfaery!".
And so this synchronistic encounter brings me full circle,
and completes a knowing,
and confirms my shift of reality,
my having fully anchored into my new
Therefore, i celebrate in great joy my new year.
In my facilitating others to raise their frequency / density,
i shall enjoy more utilizing sound healing with my flute,
and perhaps less of the bringing the transmuting violet flame light.
My ways are more and more those of Faerie.
i am enjoying releasing "being [mankind]",
the role i previously played to "fit in" with those
i came here to minister to.
Since my mission of ministry is complete,
and now i am free to play in 5D as Faerie,
i no longer have to try to "fit in" with 4D- [mankind].
That is the greatest of blessings...
to finally be free to be me :-)