"Our contracted mission as star-seeds to alter the planetary collective consciousness / reality was the priority, and now from the luxury of having successfully completed that mission it is easy to contemplate individual priorities, however, until that mission was completed, success was nowhere near 'guaranteed', therefore, individual preferences of pleasure were subverted to collective mission purpose."
Excellent, thank you...
To fully release and be neutrally complete with
all past, and all considerations of alternatives,
what can be brought to my attention here and now
about anything or anyone, and even before
completing the question i am perceiving that
there were other factors about the completion
work i did in 1986 with the bridging between
our original
tomril universe and the Milky Way Galaxy,
necessary to facilitate all the entities
who were still depending upon my guidance...
was that an overriding factor until it was completed?:
"Yes, you know it was, and you also know that
despite all the work you did in 1986,
it was a whole quantum more of completion you did
in the past couple years with your new
8th Density to 4th Density portals and the
network of them you created. Although your
mission was not complete until the 1st wave of
ascension completed
and you were a valuable participant in that purpose,
you were the only one who could do the
bridging back to the tomril universe from
the ascended Gaia of 2015...
and you are
now while typing this for the first time
realizing and cognizing that that network
completion was not possible until you individually
had anchored enough into 8D consciousness
by participating in the 1st wave of Ascension.
That then completes the picture necessary to
answer all your querying this session, for
upon the realization thereof, you can see that
your entire path was dictated in service to
that single priority, which as you know
only unfolded into your conscious awareness
as it was happening, step by step,
as is the way of nondual consciousness,
therefore, up until that point much of
your managed path was in service to
getting you to shift consciousness into
being willing to trust and have faith
in the process without your linear mind
needing to know all, be in control of all,
and even beyond that, to surrender even
the use of your precognitive psychic awareness
that you had habituated to pre-test things with,
even that had to be surrendered to
living in the moment with no control,
and with no pre-knowing of any details,
to finally just live in the flow of the now,
for only that state of consciousness
was able to access 8D where you did the
energetic work to bridge the universes."
the worldly path was entirely
subservient to the spiritual mission then.
However, recently with informing me that
our mission was complete, and that it is now "playtime",
is there anything incomplete in my comprehending
that shift of consciousness and priority,
anything of the old reality i have failed to release,
or anything of the new reality I've not yet seen
or embraced that it now serves me to be aware of?:
"Release the old habit of perfecting old time-lines, a recommendation we have given before"
OK, what do i need to clear to bust that habit?
"Fear of judgment by others. You have not yet come to peace with simply walking away from what has become obsolete for you as merely since inappropriate no longer to be engaged, because you are taking ownership of it as 'your' reality, you expect any judgment of it to pass through to you as 'owner of it'. Do you see now that ownership of it is not truly real? Yes. Upon several minutes of contemplation i found nothing there."
i am feeling complete with all questions but one...
is there anything to be made aware of now?
"It was deemed useful for you to re-visit and re-perceive your past, more so a look at yourself and your journey, and it was specifically the now available neutrality which was why it was deemed provident now that your process of memory would trigger the revisiting of your own past for the purpose of self discovery, and self completion. "
Any specific message at this time?
"Cognize the part of you which has wondered what it would have been like to have walked the life path you initially launched upon, for that was both something you attempted and something you never fully released as a potential."
"I see a version of me in such reality.
i am completely at peace with it.
i see the beauty in it.
i feel the love in it.
i see the part of me which has yearned for the comfort of it.
i see the part of me which tried to live it several times.
i see that it is not my path.
i see that my (our crystal faeries) mission contract precluded that.
i see the necessary path to place me in readiness for the mission.
i am glad it is complete, and in a sense am in the aftermath,
and destressing from that path, and appreciate the freedom to play now.
i ask as always, what is my shortest path?
Your path is through, not around, ascension in the body you now occupy.
It is the
DNA which is the key to your shortest path,
and at this point there are no alternatives quicker.
All alternatives delivering preferred form are set-backs on ascension.
So, the overarching guidance of:
'release all 4D-,
as the solution to everything is arriving fully in 5D+'
is the 'embodyment' answer as well as the answer to all else?
You are on the fast track, relax and trust the flow."
another question arises...
is there anything about DNA
which it would benefit any of us now to be made aware of?
"It is the transdimensional part of each cell, thus is the way through."
That triggers another question about the negative agendae of those who are trying to stop ascension... they have unleashed many blockages upon [mankind], from GMO to radiation, and seemingly most relevant now is my awareness of their having unleashed nanotech upon us to stop ascension, but i am sensing that it is not capable of stoping the DNA from ascending?
"Correct. Even the 'nano' tech is 'macro' compared to
being activated and rewritten by the morphogenetic field...
stop and analyze that word:
morpho (changing) genetic (DNA) field...
the very aether itself carries the instructions for ascension
which are rewriting DNA."
"...and as you contemplate that, you see it is automatic..."
So i can just relax and enjoy the ride?
"Other than
keeping your diet focussed upon living foods,
you can relax and know you are optimally engaged."
Excellent, thank you...
i beleive that completes my questions.
"As you noted above, your transparency is most beneficial. Simply offer your love and friendship."
Is there any other purpose any of us should now be aware of regarding our connecting now?
"Only playful sharing. Now it is all about play in the now, so again, release any attempts to perfect past time-lines, you've 'done it good enough'."