
[a]scension blog

16th December 2015

Pueo, the night eagle, who sees in the dark. The snow fairy, who brings the magic of the life force, even in the cold of winter solstice. i am the high priestess, the creator goddess incarnate. As of pending solstice i am complete with the role of healer, for no reality ever changes, and nothing is broken, or wounded. There is only time-line hopping. i can facilitate and teach that, but beyond the moment of questioning and receiving the answer of another's choice, i shall not validate nor share choices of limitation, though i shall honor and bless with love the right and choice to explore limitation, for 4D- duality still offers learning via the contrast of what is inappropriate, who you are not, and what is counter to your essence...
but i must honor my essence as the high priestess in full responsibility and liability, for i am the embodiment of the divine creator goddess, dancing to the divine fairy music of spontaneous flow, living fully in nonduality.

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