![[celeste:crystalfaery face 88]](/imgs/celeste/celeste_crystalfaery.face.088.png)
A long day's journey through many lessons and shifts of consciousness completed past... my past experience, perspectives, questions, relationships, and time-lines. The outcome was a deep sense of peace about things as they are in the now, a sense of divine guidance for my soul's journey in this incarnation, and a sense of my soul beauty here and now. i am finding this very much mirrored in those who are tracking my journey, who know how to share playfully, who know how to share cocreation in synergy, who are living in the unity consciousness of nonduality. The strongest experience was that of visiting my own deep past in this incarnation... the strong part being that of awareness that those historical experiences happened to someone who is not who i am today... no matter how much my mind can recall a story which the memories say is "true", that story is not "real" for me, for i have shifted time-lines to a new reality, sufficiently different, that, the being i am had to have had a different past. This is very very good. No matter how much telling stories may be one of the most universal symbol systems for conveying perspective between beings, it is clear that just as living is in the now, a story which is of value to share with another, is a story in the now about the here and now.