Dancing with frequencies which are harmonious with essence, dancing with frequencies which are of alignment and congruence, in deep peace and acceptance of all that is, all lessons in play, all parallel realities which "the one" is exploring, graces the clarity of knowing and claiming, preferred appropriate time-lines, parallel-realities. The key is full self-responsibility to hold to appropriateness, regardless what the universe brings one's way, (merely a mirror of one's history), discerning the positive synergy and choosing congruence of frequency, perseverence of holding frequency, essential to manifesting ones essence reflected as "reality".
One of those technological "things" one knows to observe,
is that loss of quality is guaranteed whenever we transcode
from one lossily compressed format to another of audio and / or video,
therefore we only do this as a last resort, unless,
we are specifically down-grading quality intentionally, as, e.g.
to reduce a real file for use on a real computer
to a much smaller sized file for use on a "smart"-phone.
Being blessed with the abundance of abilities of Linux™
i have been able to "handle" any file format,
and being blessed to not be limiting my consciousnes via
radiation from a cell-phone or cellular data wide area networking,
I've simply kept files in whatever format they arrived,
unless i specifically edited them and thus on output chose a libre format.
As of today I've commenced reencoding to open formats
all remaining audio files which are not already so,
or in the patent encumbered MP3 format, which nevertheless,
is so ubiquitous that no software refuses it...
Because I've embraced "DJ'ing" with
Mixxx, which prefers to play with
MP3, OGG, and FLAC audio.
Before juggling tunes into streams,
recording and editing tunes is the baliwick of
Before recording my
flute, it's time for instrument tuning with
For simple :-) playing, my favorite is the command-line version of
Audio Stream)
celeste crystalfaery spins tunes for you
i am very much feeling the energetic shift from both:
- the process of learning / healing / growing to catch the first wave of ascension to nondual consciousness, (completed 2015-09-27), and
- the "mission" to facilitate others to catch that wave,
through the change of purpose now that my mission is complete, (I am free to continue facilitating and ministering for others), but with my "free" time, i am now becoming very much focussed upon playing with music, which incidentally is also my new direction of "healing work", facilitating the alignment and activation of others via sound healing. Because the sound healing involves many fewer words than doing a psychic reading, or are recorded in a blog, and because I'm no longer seeking to confirm and verify other sources of information about ascension, because I'm flowing very stably in 5D+ realms, much less of my time is going into research, training, or education, (as either student or teacher). With my primary guidance from spirit to "play", (double entendre of both having fun, and making music with my flute), i am transitioning in a worldly sense through greater change than has been apparent externally in a long time.