
[a]scension blog

25th November 2015

Ahhh... deep peace of oneness in New-Kilauea.

[farewell to autumn]

Aloha friends...

i continue to operate by the guidance I've received from my own "higher self" tomril and my family of crystal faeries:
"I am re-concluding as i have before, that i am indeed to remain fully in nondual reality, and address all issues from the transcendent state of parallel realities or alternate time-lines, rather than addressing in 4D-, any dualistic issues."

The purpose of this guidance is about releasing the 4D- world of duality and all its' contrasts within polarity, as it is considered to be a descending reality, the solution for all problems of which, is to transcend out of that reality into Gaia.

Therefore... anyone or any group who consistently directs the focus of attention of many people who are their readers / followers to seek "winning" a conflict of will within 4D- reality, are in fact working to sabotage the ascension of their followers, whether they be innocent ignorants being used, or are actively consciously choosing to create that result, because that upon which we focus we empower to manifest, so remaining in a conflict over the 4D- collective reality is a distraction from the ascension to 5D+ New-Gaia.

Be aware of the fork in the road from limited reality [mankind] to either become soulless robots with eternal "nonlife", as in the Singularity promoted by Ray Kurzweil, or the path of soulful ascension as angelic [mankind]. i was raised on the path of the cyborg, and turned away from building Artificial Intelligence to instead build New Gaia as the 5D+ unity consciousness realm of angelic [mankind] and fae and... whoever can live by ahimsa without dualistic conflict.

There is no technology which can do what spiritual consciousness itself cannot do... it's all about raising our frequency by intent.

Meanwhile, since i was asked for my opion about the details being revealed in the Goode/Willcock parade... there were a number of details new to me, but the overall picture was already known to me.

The most important precept to embrace is that any and every reality anyone can imagine already exists in some parallel time-line reality, so we never have to change anything outside us, we merely change our internal resonance to the frequencies of our preferred reality, therefore anyone directing their follower(s) to focus on anything outside themselves, is misdirecting them away from the path of growing consciousness and spiritual mastery.

I'm return to my appropriate role as a 5D+ reality occupant and guide.
My guidance to all is: cease focus upon or reaction to externals. Accept the existence of dualistic 4D- around you, but comprehend it is the falling away obsolete reality, remain neutral about all, and focus upon your own soul in your own heart, and finding in there your peace and balance, and from the stillpoint of congruity, operate in the role of reality creator, i.e. choose the reality you prefer, and vibrate that reality as your internal reality, consistently and strongly enough, until that causes you to quantum-leap to its external manifestation. Better yet, share that process with like hearted beings for the joy and empowerment of positive synergy of co-creation.

Faery blessing of love for the full moon :-)

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